One: Effort

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Before I begin this, I just want to say, no, I won't forget about the other stories I'm writing. This one I've had in mind for awhile now and I hope you will all like it. <3 As the story progresses, I do my research accordingly as I want things to be accurate and well written enough to be conveyed. Little bit of family, discovery, bonding and love is always nice to read anyways! I think that's about it. :)

Welcome to I Will Follow You


It was clear, you weren't like the other kids. They played and laughed and although you did the same, you were usually just with your older siblings Tracey and Jimmy.

''Just watch your step there, sis.'' Jimmy called out, hearing the slightest of noises which you did quite catch.

''Don't say that!'' Cried Tracey to Jimmy who rolled his eyes,''Hey, there's nothing there, you can step forward, alright? I got ya.'' Tracey said.

You were partially blind and about 55% deaf, diagnosed at just a few months old. They didn't make it any easier at times. You were fifteen years old for Gods sake.

''I'm not sure if I can trust either of you right now. Is there something there, or not?'' You asked, growing annoyed.

You knew you stood just after the entrance of the house and your grip was heavily relying on Tracey till a soft, bigger hand held onto yours making you untense.

Tap Tap

''Thanks mom.'' You had held her hand, keeping close to her. Each family member had something to get your attention.

Taps on the knuckles.

Two taps was Amanda, your mother. She always made sure it was right every time. Three taps as on the rhythmic wording of excuse me was Tracey and Jimmy would simply tap you on the head, or flick.

Yet your dad didn't have one.

''Where's dad?'' You asked, feeling and fiddling with the ends of your fingertips. You could sense your mother sitting right next to you, resting her head on your shoulder. This was how she usually spoke with you.

''He's out with an old friend.''

She sounded distressed. You focused on how her voice trembled, like she was scared. You didn't know why but when asking about your dads whereabouts, a certain shift in the air could be felt. Lifting up your hand you placed it on her head.

''He'll be back. He always comes back.'' You say, trying to cheer her up. You could feel the short breath that escaped her, a small laugh.


It had always been like this. Ever since you were young, many asked about your family, how they got along, how you got along with them. You didn't find anything wrong with them! They always had your back, your hand, whatever. . . except-

"Hey how ya doin' sweetness? Everything alright?'' You can year a low voice rumble and your mothers weight being lifted off your shoulder. You smiled a bit, knowing it was your dad.

''Hey dad. I was just talking about how you would come home.'' You chirped, facing his general direction.

''I'd al...c'...'ome to you kids.''

What did he say?

''Honey, I don't think she heard you.'' Amanda spoke. Okay, a bit of a misunderstanding. It's fine! You let out a small embarrassed snicker, slowly getting up to your feet and reaching out. Your mom was quick to grab onto your hand.

''I think I'm going to head to bed.'' You spoke out, your head hung a bit low in defeat.

Your mom called out for one of your siblings to take you to bed, which was Tracey who always did the job. Surprisingly, she didn't whine about it. When you were lead upstairs into your shared room with Tracey (because you can't exactly be sleeping alone due to possible injury-) your head filled with many thoughts.


Third Person POV

''After 15 years you still can't grab her hand?'' Amanda spoke to her obviously exhausted husband.

''What are you talking about?'' Michael questioned,''I thought she was gonna get your hand. She's upstairs now like she wanted.'' He sat down on the couch with a sigh.

''She wanted you, Michael. She wanted you to grab onto her hand. Why can't you put in a little effort?'' Amanda crossed her arms, standing in the doorway.

''A little effort? Who paid for all the medical bills? Who got us that nanny when she was six? Who watched her at night as a little baby, stopping her from eating her own hands?'' He looked at Amanda, clearly getting upset.

This made Amanda scoff and shake her head, going into the living room.

''You only watched her for a solid hour that one time, Michael! This isn't about money, this is your daughter. Not just Tracey but your other daughter Y/n who loves you to bits. Why can't you see that? Why can't you just acknowledge that she wants to spend time with you?'' Amanda's voice grew in volume. Question after question leading up to a high vocal point to only then be shut down in silence. Michael didn't reply, only looking down to his feet.

Amanda left the room, heading upstairs. Michael inwardly sighed, mentally cursing at himself. What is he missing?

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