Two: Realization

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Today had been a new day. Your mood was a bit in the dumps from a few things regarding your dad but your heart remained strong.

Tap Tap

''I'm just setting you down on the couch for a bit, I have to call my yoga instructor.'' Your mom told you and you nodded, feeling yourself relax on the couch. The TV was on, some incoherent rambling from the News you never really understood. You had the habit of just letting everything go and be in pure content.

That is until someone sat down next to you. The shifting of the cushions almost sent you to pop up to your feet.

It was Jimmy, followed by a nice flick to the head.

''Hey Y/n, how's everything with ya?''

''You know, fine, till you decided to scare the hell out of me.'' Your brows furrowed in annoyance and re-adjusted yourself with a huff.

''Well I did. Afterwards.''

You hadn't even decided to reply to that, playing it off as you couldn't hear. But you did.

''Mom's on the phone with the Yoga instructor again. Maybe she's cancelling her class.'' You said, hearing a laugh erupt from your brother.

''Is that what you really think? She's-''

''Heyy sis!'' Tracey obviously had something more important to say, considering she completely cut off Jimmy.

TapTap Tap

''Hey Tracey.'' You smiled, feeling very relieved that she wasn't out to scare you.

''You wanna head down to the Del Perro Pier with me?'' There was a bouncy excitement that laced within her tone.

''But the last time I went somewhere with you it was with those weird guys you hung out with.'' You say nervously as the people Tracey had hung out with were very. . .sketchy and touchy

''It'll just be us...okay maybe not. There's these really-''

''Tracey,'' You interrupted, taking in a breath to continue but heavy footsteps halted your next statement.

''Morning girls, hey Jim.'' You clearly heard your dad that time. It made you smile a bit.

''Morning dad! What are your plans for today?'' You asked while you felt the couch shift again.

''He's going to sulk by the swimming pool with his dingy music in his ears.'' Jimmy retorted as you could hear his footsteps fade and another shift to the couch. It must've been your dad. You could sense, practically feel Tracey's impatience growing.

''I just don't exactly trust going anywhere with you Trace, honestly. . .it's kind of scary.'' You answered, earning a whine from your older sibling. You felt bad but if you weren't clear in situations, you would end up being dragged along on something you never really agreed to.

You heard your sister groan and stomp off.

There was silence. You could sense your dads presence beside you, watching whatever movie he particularly liked. Oddly enough, you remember certain sounds well enough from flicks to say that he has a few favorite movies. If they were loud enough, anyways. Your mom had definitely reminded you that your hearing wasn't the greatest and that was okay. You were told dad's hearing wasn't the best either, cause he doesn't really listen.

Whatever that means, you can't exactly grasp it.

''I was actually just going to go for a ride, to get out of the house.'' He replied, leaving you to nod.

''Oh, okay.'' You paused again. The movie was on the standard volume but the ringing in your head practically drowned it out. Something was wrong.

You got up out of your spot and began to maneuver yourself to the kitchen, focusing on where your medication was.

Michael's POV

I looked over to see Y/n navigate to the kitchen. I slowly got up and followed her. Her hands were sliding on the granite edges carefully. How the sheer concentration was etched into her features, it definitely kept me on my toes.

A rattling of pills was heard. Y/n had her own medicine in her grasp, letting her fingertips graze on the lid.

''Hey dad, is this the right one? I think it is, but I just wanted to make sure.'' She asked and I stepped over, seeing it was her morning pills, Non-24.

''Yeah, you got it and knew it was me?''

''Floorboards are a dead giveaway...the only thing I can distinctly hear at times. I also know your footsteps are more heavier.'' She replied before taking her medication. I have no idea if that was an insult or general observation.

''Huh, that's actually impressive. So you basically have everyone in this house on lock down?''

''Yeah, well, all except you.'' She replied with a small laugh which then faded,''You're never around for some reason so whenever you come home, I know by your steps that's it's you.''

I felt something shift in my chest. Her voice sounded so saddened. I was doing something that I feared would come to surface. Being so lost up in my thoughts I almost forgot to reply.

''I'm sorry sweetheart, I-''

''You don't have to apologize. It's okay.''

Y/n ended up to slowly leave the kitchen and I mentally cursed at myself. There were no words I could truly say to her to fix anything, would I? I wasted so many opportunities. How could I be this way towards my own daughter? I never intended to.

Having seen her disappear around the corner, I had just the faintest ideas on how I could become closer to her. I had to try before she was yet another person to despise me in this household.

Because I ultimately knew that just talking louder wasn't going to completely change things.

''Well you're sort of getting there.'' Amanda had piped up, stepping in from the pool. She had her yoga mat rolled up and tucked in her arm.

''I have a bit of an idea to help,'' I replied,''This might change something, hopefully.'' I mumbled the last part, earning the slightest of smiles from Amanda.

''I'm sure it will.''

I Will Follow You (Michael De Santa x Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now