Part 8

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i was in the meeting room and we were talking and tony said "Y/N and pietro have been gone a long time , nat can you go check on them and see if there ok" "fine" i groaned getting up out of my comfy chair and started walking down to Y/N and pietro's room where they were probably fine and just talking or something. 

i finally got to Y/N and pietro's room and opened the door to see if they were ok , then as soon as i opened the door i looked as Y/N had her hands around pietro's neck and pietro had his hands around her waist , and there faces were less than inches apart , OH MY GOD! THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS. okay calm down nat , calm down. 

"oh sorry am i interrupting something , i can come back later" i said trying to hide my smile as i turned around to head out the door "no" i heard them both say as i tried to not laugh at them , they even said the same thing at the same time , they were literally made for each other. 

i turned around and looked at both of them there faces were bright red , wow , oh my fucking god "tony wanted me to check on you to see if you were settling in well , and to see what's taking you so long , but i see you are settling in just fine" i said with a smirk on my face as i winked at pietro , go on pietro , go get her , his face just went redder , i was trying not to laugh "it's not like that nat we were just hugging" Y/N said , ye sure definitely , i rolled my eyes and said "sure , well i'll leave you two alone then , and i will let you two get back to what you were doing before i walked in on you" "okay , and i told u it's not like" Y/N said before i walked out of the room closing the door behind me. 

as i walked out i heard laughing from the two of them , i then started to laugh as i walked back to the meeting room. i finally got into the meeting room and i burst through the door and said "Y/N AND PIETRO WERE ABOUT TO KISS!" everyone looked at me with a confused look and steve said "what are you talking about nat speak slower" i calmed my excitement down and said "Y/N and pietro were about to kiss until i walked through the door" everyone looked shocked. 

"are you sure they were about to kiss nat" clint said "yes positive" i answered back "describe what you saw for us" wanda said "well , i walked into the room and pietro had his hands around Y/N's waist and she had hers around his neck and there faces were less than inches away from each other" i said as everyone looked at me in disbelief "they said they were 'just hugging' but it wasn't a hug there lip's were almost touching" i said everyone still shocked.

"OH MY GOD" wanda squealed "we have to go up to them , and ask them about this" tony said when wanda stopped squealing "okay let's go then" steve said as everyone walked out of the meeting room and started making there way to Y/N and pietro's room. 

we eventually arrived to there room and walked in to find them both on Y/N's bed , Y/N's head on pietro's chest , and pietro's arm wrapped around her body as they both slept. "someone take a picture" bucky said as steve pulled out his phone and started taking pictures , he walked over to them and took more pictures of them , and when he was done he walked back over to us with a huge grin on his face. 

"will we just leave them there let them sleep" loki said "ye it's been a long day for her leave them to sleep" clint said as wanda started squealing again. none of us were looking at them and then we heard a noise and quickly turned to see pietro standing behind us , he then whisper shouted "what are you doing here" wanda then asked "are you and Y/N together now or what" excitedly , pietro then replied with "no it's not like that me and Y/N were sitting there talking and we accidentally fell asleep" peter then said "we heard you almost kissed" pietro rolled his eyes and said "no we were just hugging" i then replied with "ye , definitely" rolling my eyes back at him as he went red. 

"can we please take this conversation outside the room , i don't want to wake her , she's had a long day" pietro said as we all then proceeded to walk out of the room , pietro closed the door quietly behind him and then spoke still whispering "listen she's had a long day and she's just getting used to this place and i'm just being there as a friend for her , so can you all leave and let her sleep please" thor then replied with "i agree with the boy , leave the girl be and let her sleep , and then wake her up later if necessary" everyone said "okay" and then tony said "watch yourself pietro she's my daughter" tony said giving pietro a death stare and pietro replied with "there's nothing going on tony" tony said "good" and i said "come on tony leave him alone" tony turned slowly and walked away with me and the others. 

"that was so cute" wanda said as everyone else agreed. we got back to the meeting room and all sat down again and tony then said "so we sorta got a little sidetracked there , let's get on with the mission shall we" and everyone else groaned as he started talking about the mission again. 

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