⊗ 14

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-Full moon survival guide-

A full moon is a big no-no when it comes to creepypastas. It's said to make them more bloodthirsty, more active and powerful. So here's me trying my best to help you survive.

Rule #1- Don't go into the forest.

Should be obvious by now but that's where a lot of "hunting" happens. Avoid it even if it "calls" for you.

Rule #2- Don't go outside.

If you absolutely must, go in a small group but never alone. You just made yourself an easy target if you're alone.

Rule #3- Lock all doors and windows.

To not get robbed, kidnapped or killed.

Otherwise known as basic security.

Rule #4-If ya here noise at night, don't investigate.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

Rule #5- Carry a small [legal] weapon.

For self defense, obviously.

Rule #6- keep a phone around.

In case you need to call for help, make sure it's charged though.

That's all I can think of for now.



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