The Kind Pastor

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      As I was walking by the bushes of our old familiar neighborhood, I was jolted by a soft but commanding overtone from somewhere over the edge. The speedier I paced, the louder the beckoning became. So I decided to halt and face the would be tormentor. 

     "Hyacinth," the slightly bearded man approached me in a very guarded manner. "Well, look at you've grown." 

     When Hyacinth tilted forward, she began to recall bits and pieces of the man. She gasped very deeply. "Oh Pastor Wilkens!". She rushed to embrace him and for a while did not mean to let go of him. 

    "How can you not forget? You volunteered for a feeding program in an orphanage when you were in grade school."

     Hyacinth gathered a timid smile. "Yes, sir, and I did it a couple of times. I was like 11 or 12..."

    He rested his other arm on her shaking shoulder. "You even went with me to far-flung places and played with the tribal folks." He reciprocated her repressed smile. "But why are you trembling my dear?". 

    "A lot of things have happened since then. I lost contact with you." 

     He leaned forward and handed her a hanky. "And this time, you are sobbing. Why my dear? Has my presence gave tumult to your spirit?".

    Hyacinth grabbed his hands and kissed them gently. "Oh Pastor Wilkens, I wanted to reach out to you but I couldn't. "

   He led her to a nearby bench. "Come my dear, and pour your heart out to me. I won't judge you." 

    Hyacinth burst out in disgust and shame. "Sir, my own father did something to me. He did it to me until..."

     He helped her finish up her sentences. "Until you were weak and had no one to run to."

    She nodded her head slowly, still jerking and said placidly, "I've worshiped my dad Pastor Wilkens. He was my top hero, second to God."

   He touched her head and let it recline on his shoulder-the same shoulder that has been a resting place for many broken hearted souls. "Because at the end of the day, your dad was just to temptations..."

    She sobbed continuously. "But why me Pastor? I...who trusted him with all my heart, mind and soul." 

   "Come here child", he explained to her in a light-headed way."You are the daughter of God. He is a forgiving and merciful God. If he could forgive your father, so could you." 



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