Chapter 1: The Land Of Stitches

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 A woman, hands tied behind her back, a cloth around her eyes and mouth, sits in the back of a semi-truck with five other people who seem to be in the same position as her. There are 4 men with them; they all have weapons. The only source of light in the gigantic cargo trailer was a small red light bulb, making the men's faces glow with a dim red. A loud siren can be heard from outside the cargo trailer, probably from the building the truck seems to be heading to. A man next to the girl is muffling through the cloth that has been placed around his mouth, struggling to get the attention of one of the men. After a few more muffles later, a man finally notices and walks up to him. The man then quickly yanked the guy's cloth down and yelled, "What is it?"

"Ple-please sir, tell me why I'm here?" the man desperately asks in Russian.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak your language," the man said in English as he put the cloth back on the guy's mouth. The truck suddenly stopped as voices could be heard outside, the woman put her ear against the cargo wall and could make out a few words.

"Hey, how's it going today?" the driver of the truck asked in Russian.

"Fine, is this the delivery for the parts that were meant to be here an hour ago?" another man outside of the truck asked in Russian.

"Yes, my apologies we were running a little late due to traffic; my buddy here also dropped a burrito on himself so we had to stop and get him a change of clothes."

"Interesting," the man said in a skeptical voice while trying to hold back a chuckle, "so do you mind if my friend and I check the back of your truck?"

"Do you have to?" the driver asked as he gripped tighter on the stirring wheel. The man outside of the truck looked at the driver, he stood there in silence before his laugh began to break the cold and serious atmosphere, "That was a hilarious joke, Dmitri check the back of their truck will ya?"

"Yes sir, Nazar," Dmitri said in Russian as he walked to the back of the truck and proceeded to remove the latch to the cargo trailer. The 3 men inside looked at each other before looking back and aiming their guns.

"You know why they're sounding an alarm, right?" Nazar asked the driver.

"No, I don't."

"Ah, well to be honest it's not that exciting; they're testing their alarms and seeing if they work properly, you know the standard stuff."

"Ah, that seems uh... interesting," he said while squeezing his stirring wheel even tighter and giving out a nervous chuckle, one that was out of fear and anticipation.

"I knew there were going to be a lot of parts but I wasn't expecting 3 semi-trucks worths," Nazar stated as he lit up a cigarette.

"Well, what y'all are building is a pretty big contraption."

Nazar then paused and looked up at the driver, he squinted his eyes, as if he was trying to examine him. "Hey, you look familiar; I didn't get your name again, what was it?" Within seconds multiple gunshots could be heard, the men inside the cargo fired off their guns and killed Dmitri. Nazar quickly looked over and saw Dmitri's body fall. "Well, many people have called me different names, but you... you can call me, Death." Nazar's cigarette fell out of his mouth as he focused his gaze back on the driver, he reached for his holster in an attempt to pull out his gun. Death then quickly grabbed his weapon from under his seat and shot Nazar in between his eyes.

The truck suddenly started driving again, this time much faster, Death was unaware that a group of Russian non-government-contracted guards had witnessed this. 3 cars quickly pulled up in front of the semi-trucks and multiple Russian officers came out. They used their doors as cover and leaned their weapons on the top of them, aiming at the vehicles. "Shit! Get the hostages!" Death screamed as he got out of his vehicle and aimed his assault rifle at the cops. Death's crew quickly followed along and proceeded to aim their guns at the officers.

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