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hey!! if ur reading this lmk how to improve this story bc i feel like it's kinda crappy lol. enjoy!!:)


hey angelll just so yk i wasnt joking when i said ab going on a date on ig
i'd love to take u out if u want?

i would love that clay:)

ok good good
saturday at 7? i'll pick u up

i'll be waiting:)


angel was very excited for her date with clay. she wasn't nervous at all, he asked her on a date, so he must like her, right? clay however was very nervous, not to see angel, conversation flowed easily with them and he knew it wouldn't be awkward. he was nervous she wouldn't like the date he had planned, which was mainly the reason why he was pacing up and down the room back and forth for 10 minutes before the date.

"clay, calm down, you know she likes you, your both going to have a good time so just chill out," his fellow american friend told him from the couch he was messily laid across.

"trust me clay, she's going to love it." george agreed him.

"exactly, you had us and wilbur help plan it, he's known the girl for 20 years, if he didn't think she'd like it he would tell you." nick reassured.

that did help clay's nerves slightly. he had asked wilbur what her favourite things to do were, wilbur wouldn't have lied to him right? it's going
to be fine, he told himself repeatedly until he believed it.

he checked his phone, 6:53. it was time to go. he picked up the keys from the car he was renting, and the white roses he had bought the girl, they were her favourite flowers.


angel was on facetime to corpse, she was telling him the story of how she met clay, they were both laughing at the coincidence. she had been friends with the faceless youtuber for a while, and they facetimed a lot, meaning she had seen his face before. angel thought he was pretty, but he had a thing for blondes.

"so do you like him?" the deep voice asks.

"i think so, i mean i'm going on a date with him. it's a bit fast but theres just like, naturally something there, you get me?" she saw the boy smile, he was happy to see his friend happy.

"i hope the date goes well angel. i think you guys work well together." he agreed.

there was a small issue angel had with dating clay. he lived in florida. in a whole other country. how would they even work? typically long distances never work.

"what do you think will happen when he goes home?" she asked, "he will probably find a prettier girl, that would be more convenient for him to date, and he's going to forget all about me." she worried excessively, her brain ran and she rambled on and on, thinking the worst.

"calm down angel, he's not going
to find another girl, and from what i've heard, be doesn't want to either."

what he had heard? had corpse spoken to clay? or did he just mean the instagram comments everyone had seen?

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