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the group were sat around the fire that evening, it was cold and the sky was dark. there were lots of start in the sky, and the moon was in the sky. angel thought the stars were pretty, she used to go stargazing a lot, going on walks and laying looking up at the stars to calm down.

the group were talking and sharing stories around the fire, like they were at summer camp.

"are you excited for your birthday ang?" will asked the girl who was sat beside him, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"i am, i'm surrounded by my best friends, i couldn't be happier." she smiled, and her friends awed.

"i know something that could make it better." tommy smirked from the other side of the fire.

"what's that?" she asked.

"green man." he stated and the girl sighed, he wasn't wrong. she did wish she could see clay.

"yeah tommy, but he's busy, and that's okay." she smiled weakly.

angels phone began to ring, it was clay. as if by magic he had been summoned, and the girl smiled seeing the incoming facetime call.

"speak of the devil." nick laughed.

"go and talk to him, you get good service over there," will told her and pointed to a small cabin that the workers stayed in.

she took her phone, and went to talk to the boy.

"hi clay!" she smiled into the phone. the boy on the screen has his hood over his face, the camera close to him. it looked like he was out on a walk but she couldn't quite tell.

"hey love, how are you?" the boy asked.

"i'm good, tired though, i'm having a good time, how are you?"

"i'm good, i miss you though." the boy sighed.

"clay, i saw you like two days ago," she giggled, "it hasn't even been that long."

"i know, i know, i just don't like not having you with me." he sighed and angel blushed, "where are you anyway? i thought you were with everyone else."

"yeah, but i left to come and talk to you, the service is so crap i'm by this little house thing," she explained.

she looked around, seeing the campsite lit up by street lights, seeing almost no one around. there were a couple people walking around, most of them walking their dogs. it was getting late, almost 10 o'clock so most families had gone to bed. she noticed someone walking towards her, and got a bit scared. they weren't particularly walking towards her, just along a path close to her but it made the girl nervous anyway. she didn't like seeing people she didn't know, especially not in the dark.

"i see. patches misses you y'know, she literally wouldn't stop crying after you left," the boy told her and they both laughed. angel and patches had a special bond, they'd practically become best friends over angels stay, and she missed the cat a lot.

"i'm surprised you didn't comfort her, cat boy." she joked, making the boy groan in annoyance.

"don't you start, i've had tommy dming me calling me a cat boy all day," he huffed, and angel laughed at the boys annoyance. she noticed the mysterious person still walking towards her, and got even more scared, worried that she could get attacked.

"clay, there's this weird looking person walking towards me, i'm kind of scared," she told the boy. his face changed, he looked worried, obviously, he didn't want angel to get hurt.

the person changed direction, instead of walking along the path he began to walk directly towards her.

angel started breathing heavily, and began to freak out, which clay noticed immediately, "angel, angel, calm down," he told her, "i promise you, it's going to be fine."

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