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where are you xx

u look pretty:)
look up

the girl looked up from her phone to see clay standing a few feet in front of her she ran and jumped into the boys arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. he hugged her back, his arms secure around her waist as he embraced the girl he had missed so much.

"i missed you." she said, her voice muffled into the shoulder of the boys hoodie.

"i missed you too sweetheart." he told her, and the girl moved her head so she could kiss the boy. she missed kissing him, "you want to go home?" he asked and the girl nodded.

she liked how he said home instead of his house. for her, anywhere with him was home.


the girl had only been at clays house a few hours before it was established that she was very much in love with patches. clay watched as she laid on his sofa, the cat held in her hands as she lifted the cat up and played with her. he smiled watching the girl, in awe of how adorable she looked.

"i love her so much," she sighed, and hugged the cat tightly against her chest.

"i can tell, it's like you'd rather be cuddling with her than me." the boy faked a sad attitude from the other side of the sofa.

"oh, i definitely prefer patches to you now." she joked, and laughed at the offended expression on the boys face. patches jumped down off the girls lap as she saw clay move towards the girl, which was a bit harsh of the cat but oh well.

clay started to tickled her, making angel scream ams laugh, squirming in attempts to get away from the boy. she picked up a pillow and tried hitting the boy with it, whilst also using it as a shield, but it wasn't much use as the boy was clearly winning their little fight.

"are you still gonna say patches is the favourite?" he raised an eyebrow at her and stopped tickling her for a second. in response, angel hit him around the head with a pillow, breaking the silence.

they both screamed and laughed as the fought each other with pillows. clay was clearly stronger but they had fun acting like children for a while until angel clumsily landed on the floor with a soft thud. clays immediate reaction was to make sure she was okay, not wanting her to be hurt even though she barely fell.

the girl, who was fine, saw this as his weakness and used it as an opportunity to hit him with the pillow, taking the lead in their small war. he picked her back up on the floor and she ended up straddling the boys waist so she could hit him better. she got a couple of good hits on the boy before he sat up and flipped them over so he was leaning over the girl, the pillow fighting stopped as they both realised how close they were to each other, and how much they wanted to kiss each other.

the tension was broken by angel leaning up and kissing the boy, her hands tangled in his hair. he was very much in control, they passionately made out and he buried his head in her neck, leaving kisses along her collarbone, which made the girl resist the urge to moan, even though it felt so right.

"i missed you," he said in between kisses, "so, so much."

"i missed you too baby," she told him, and ran her fingers along his jawline, forcing him to look back up at her.

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