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A/N: HEY GUYS I'M BACK! I'm sorry that I didn't post anything for a while I was really busy. Anyways enjoy the new chapter 💜

~ a few days later~

Y/n's pov :
I started to have contact with seungmin again but it's kinda akward between us. Felix and I are besties now and we had many sleep overs. I also teached him how to apply makeup. He's such a fast learner. I'm a proud mother. Anyways I thought of having a big meet with some friends of felix and some of my friends.

Chat between me and felix:

Heyyyy sunshine! :y/n

Felix sunshine💜:hey bestieee!

I thought of something.... 😅:y/n

Felix sunshine💜 : okay let me pray first. 😳

OMG NO! STOP! :y/n

Felix sunshine💜: what is it then

How about we have a big meet. Like I invite 2 of my friends and you invite 2 of your friends. Like that we will get to know each other friends :y/n

Felix sunshine💜:that is actually a great idea👁️👄👁️ since when are you so smart😭

IDK 😭anyways let's create a group chat where we plan everything :y/n

Felix sunshine💜:alright!

*chat ended between felix and y/n*

Felix created a new group chat

Accept? | decline?

*accepted *

~you're a the new admin*

OKAY, so I'm gonna add two of my friends and you're gonna add two of your friends :y/n

*felix sunshine 💜 added [unkown1] and [unknown 2] *
*y/n added [seungminnie🐶] and [Channie boy❤️] *

Unknown 1:what is this here👁️👄👁️

Unknown 2:idk 👁️👄👁️but let's just dance to when we disco 🕺

Seungminnie🐶:you own me a explanation y/n.

Yes chill your tiddies mom:y/n

Unknown 2: damn they act like a married couple😏

Unknown 1: han what did we talk about? Don't scare other people.

Unknown 2:says the one with three cats. He would literally kill for his cats😭

Unknown 1:shut up!

Felix sunshine 💜:okay enough now. We have this group chat here to hangout together. We gonna hangout with y/n and 2 of her friends.

Unknown 2 :wait... Y/n is in this group chat 👁️👄👁️

Yes sirrrr👁️👄👁️:y/n

Chan nie boy❤️: I'm trying to sleep! Shut up!

Unknown 1: you think we give a f*ck? 😌💅🏻

Unknown 2:Wow. Wow. Chill homie

(Will be continued~)

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