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In most fiction, a character wakes up confused, with little memory of where they are. You never understood that scenario. In what situation do you spend the night at a friend's house and wake up confused? Surely you have some memory of the night before. You figured it was just a work of fiction, a plot device writers used to make a character reflect on a situation.

That was what you thought... until you woke up in a fictional apartment.

You woke up with a killer headache, sore limbs, and a sore throat. The full package, lucky you. You thought maybe you had drank a little too much the night before, after all 27 is a far cry from 21.

I'm getting old.

You stretched your aching limbs and slowly opened your eyes. Laying on your side, your eyes settled on the analytical gaze of none other than Spencer Reid.

"Holy shit!" You screamed, jumping back and startling the hell out of Spencer. You ungracefully flailed as you teetered on the edge of the bed, body about to fall off. Spencer quickly reached out and pulled your elbow, leveraging your weight back onto the bed just in time.

You clutched the sheets, grabbing your bearings, while silently taking in the situation.

"Are you alright?!" Spencer asked, catching his breath.

"Just peachy." You deadpanned.

I'm in bed with Spencer Reid. God, why does he look so hot with bedhead hair?

Spencer gave you a wry smile before breaking out into laughter. You glared at him, but his laughter made you smile. It was nice to hear him laugh.

"I don't understand how you can be so calm about this. Imagine getting sucked into my world where you have to be an actor that plays yourself."

"Well, hypothetically speaking, if that were to happen I would be overqualified."

You rolled your eyes and got out of bed, but not before noticing the coffee and woodsy-vanilla scent. You'd smelled that before.

"Do you want breakfast? I know a good café near your place." Spencer stood to stretch. 

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, that's fine." You stared at the bed, trying to place that smell.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, it's just- a smell. Your bed smells like you. It's familiar. From before."

To a normal person, your words would sound weird. But to Spencer? Well, they piqued his interest.

"You've smelled me before?" He asked, curiously. You nodded, looking up to see he had moved around the bed to stand in front of you.

"In a dream. Just before waking up here. Before we even met."

"Smell is a powerful memory trigger. Do you remember the split? When your reality entangled with mine?"

"I remember some of it."

"Maybe we should try something to help you remember," he considered. "Close your eyes and think of where you were when reality split."

You closed your eyes, taking yourself back to the memory of that place. You heard Spencer step closer, stopping in front of you.

You felt his breath against your cheek.

"You said the smell was familiar. What did it smell like?" Spencer spoke, softly.

"L-like you. Coffee and a woodsy vanilla," you stuttered, clenching the hem of the shirt Spencer had lent you. You were sure if you opened your eyes, Spencer would be mere centimeters away from you.

Entanglement (Spencer Reid x Reader)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now