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"-So you see, they can't keep all the rats out, but when all the citizens work together, they can, for the most part, keep Alberta relatively rat free. If even just one or two of our state's populations worked together, imagine what we could accomplish!" Spencer finished his spiel, flicking his hair out of his face.

"Well I just think it's silly they call it a 'War on Rats.'" You commented.

Spencer smiled at you as he opened the glass doors of the BAU, moving to hold the door open for you. You walked in nervously, but still in awe of the familiar environment.

"Where's JJ, Rossi, Hotch, and Morgan?" You asked.

You didn't know where Prentiss was even at in this timeline, you just accepted that this was the crew. Morgan and Hotch were still around, according to Spencer, but his hair had you pinpointing another season with a different crew.

"They must be in a meeting, come on, follow me." Spencer nodded to a hallway. You followed him down to the one and only roundtable meeting room, biting your lip in excitement.

Alright we are going to sit here and not be turned on by the insane profiling Spencer is about to do. Nope, we definitely aren't stooping to that level of creepy, no sir.

Garcia was standing, pointing a remote at a screen with pictures from a handful crime scenes. You swallowed as everyone's eyes turned to you and Spencer.

"Welcome back you two," JJ sweetly greeted.

"How's your head Pretty Girl?" Morgan asked.

You blushed at the nickname.

"Better. Followed the Doctor's orders, and Spencer helped me as well."

"That's good to hear, but I don't want to see you two late for a meeting again, is that clear?" Hotch spoke up. You and Spencer harshly nodded at his stern dad-voice.

"Alright then, sit down, we just started," Hotch turned back around to the screen. "Garcia continue."

Though there were more available chairs, you moved to sit next to Spencer.

Garcia started to flick through the unsettling pictures, you felt sick to your stomach at the imagery. This wasn't actors in makeup, these were real dead people. Your hands clenched at you sides and your breathing grew heavy. Their wounds were large and gory, some still had their eyes open.

You felt pressure on your thigh, looking down you could see Spencer's hand. You looked back up and saw he was watching you, worriedly. You swallowed and nodded to him, showing with your eyes that you would be fine. He kept his hand on your thigh and rubbed circles with his thumb as he turned back to Garcia. Your shoulders visibly relaxed at his touch.

As the profiling dialogue began, you couldn't seem to focus. As Spencer spoke, he continued rubbing his thumb on you in random shapes. Your mind wandered to dirtier places, though this was definitely not the time or the place for that. You both must've been good friends for him to let you sleep in his bed and touch you like this. His intentions were pure, and you welcomed it, but it did cross some friendly boundaries.

Chris wasn't the only weirdly horny person around here.

You felt a little bad for sexualizing Spencer like this, he was just trying to be a good friend to you, and he naturally wanted to make people happier. He offers you a comforting hand and all you can think about is what else that hand is capable of. It made you feel kinda sick.

"Okay everyone, wheels up in 30."


Entanglement (Spencer Reid x Reader)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now