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This is the second time that Spencer Reid has left you utterly disoriented before 6:00a.m.

You wake up on your couch practically on top of him.

Coffee and woodsy-vanilla. Warmth. Surprisingly toned arms (probably from carrying heavy stacks of books and case files). Yup, this is heaven.
You initially thought you were still dreaming. After all, your dream hadn't been too far off from this. You figured the setting had just changed.

Absentmindedly, you cuddled up closer to him.

Suddenly, you heard the sound of a door being thrown shut. You yelped, jumping up. Your sudden movement woke Spencer up and he rolled, falling off the couch with a loud thump followed by a groan of pain.

Okay, so, not a dream.

"I'm gone one night and you're already with him again? When were you planning on telling me I was dating a whore?" Chris stood at the doorway.

"Calm down, it's nothing scandalous." You muttered. You needed coffee; it was way too early for this.

Spencer stood up, rubbing the back of his bedhead and yawning. You'd never felt the need to describe a full-grown man as 'cute' before. But-

"Sure looks that way," Chris scoffed.

"Why are you even here?" You asked, standing up from the couch while trying to smooth out your hair.

"Don't change the subject Y/N."

"Hey, don't talk to her that way." Spencer cut in, rounding the couch to stand next to you.

"What do you even see in this guy? What does he have that I don't have?" Chris blatantly ignored him, directing all of his attention to you.

"He's the complete opposite of you for starters, but I don't have to-"

"No I think you do; you owe me that much."

"Just leave it and get out of my house! Don't let your ego hit you on the way out." You yelled, yeah you definitely needed coffee.

"You're a fucking bitch and a slut. You're lucky I ever gave you a chance because this-" He pointed at Spencer, "is hilarious, you must be absolutely out of your mind. He must fuck you good and hard huh? I bet you like that you whore!" He growled. "I guess now is as good a time as ever to tell you I slept with someone too, here, probably while you were out fucking him. You weren't giving me what I wanted so I found it in someone else. You're nothing but a cheap whore; forgettable. I hope you both rot."
You stood with your jaw dropped as Spencer boldly stood up to him.

"She said get out." Spencer sneered.

"Or what? The scrawny side-piece is going to beat me up? I doubt it. Get out of my face before I make you."

Spencer stood his ground, you slowly neared behind him sensing the escalation.

"I said get. out. of. my. face." Chris was furious now. He roughly pushed Spencer backwards; sending Spencer stumbling and tripping over onto the floor. Chris looked like he was about to tackle him. You panicked and punched him with all your strength.

"Ow what the fuck Y/N?" Chris groaned as he covered his nose. You hissed as you clutched your bruising hand, no one said punching someone hurt the puncher so much.

"Don't. touch. him." You even scared yourself at the seriousness your tone.

"You bitch! You broke my nose!"

"And you assaulted an FBI agent. 2 of them actually. So I think we are more than even."

"Dammit. Forget it, just let me grab my clothes and leave; it don't have much here."

Entanglement (Spencer Reid x Reader)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now