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When Spencer opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the warehouse.

He didn't know where he was, not exactly. He knew this was the void space that the equation had proven.

Colors flew past him like the Millennium Falcon traveling at warped speed. The place was making a crackling sound. Spencer took a few steps forward; the colors didn't seem effected by his movements.

Something quickly tugged at his chest, like a magnetic force.

"Whoa!" He flailed his arms, trying to catch his balance.

Just follow the magnetic pull and it'll lead you to her.

"Right," Spencer remembered. He placed his palm flat over his chest; he had felt it when they first met.

His legs carried him quickly, following the pull. The buzzing seemed to be getting louder as he traversed.

He wasn't sure why, but something told him not to look up. Was there something there watching him?
He carried on, he didn't know how long or how far he walked. Time didn't seem to matter here, it shouldn't, this was a place that was lacking everything.

Nothing should exist here.

He wasn't even walking on a floor; there was no gravity to hold him to one.

The pull suddenly tugged Spencer to the left. His eyes landed on something that he was sure hadn't been there before; a red, velvet curtained tunnel.

Without hesitating, Spencer climbed inside. He felt like a child in one of those indoor jungle gyms; he'd always wanted to play on those as a child, he never did.

The tunnel stretched on, Spencer realized it was getting dimmer and dimmer as he crawled forward. Soon, total darkness lay ahead of him, if he reached his hand forward it would seemingly disappear within the chasm.

He took a deep breath, thinking of Y/N, and his chest ached. He knew in his gut that this was right.

He crawled inside and heard a loud snap. Then, he fell.

Spencer toppled face first into a carpeted floor; with a loud "oof!"

"What the hell?!"

He was almost afraid to open his eyes; afraid of what he'd see.

When he got the nerve, he opened his eyes and his jaw dropped.

It was himself, but upside down (oh, he was lying on his back). He rolled over onto his hands and pushed himself off the floor.

He stood at the same height, face to face, with someone who looked exactly like him.

"Who are you?" Spencer and his double both asked un unison.


You had a good feeling about today as you walked on set.

Your heart-to-heart with Matthew had ultimately made you feel less alone; something you hadn't realized you needed before.

If you were going to ever move on, you needed to surround yourself with friends. Luckily, the crew and cast were quickly becoming that for you, especially Matthew. You really appreciated how he stepped up to help you. He believed you despite how crazy your story sounded.

Today, you were filming a tough scene. Your character was going to supposedly die in Spencer's arms, except, you knew you'd be back by the next season. Something about the doctors pulling through and saving you just in time.

Entanglement (Spencer Reid x Reader)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now