If life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade, read them.
Sum mix... enjoy.
A couple weeks ago, Midoriya, the others and me were on a mission.
Little Eri got saved.
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I was really happy for little Eri-chan.
After everything looked good for Musutafu, our city, we decided to go on a vacation.
It was friday today.
(After Class)
"All Might!", I said.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure Y/n"
"We, the class, are planning to go on a vacation trip... if you have time... can you please join us?", I said and pressed my eyes and did a begging hand move.
It was silent.
"Please accept it. I want it for our class but most importantly-"
"For young-Bakugo.", he continued my sentence.
"..." "I might come"
"Really?!", my eyes sparkled.
All Might smiled.
"Yes of course!"
I smiled wide.
I ran up to him and hugged him. He is huge dude.
"Thank you number one hero!", I said burying my head into his chest.
He chuckled.
"Young Bakugo seems to like you too", he said and smiled.
I let go the hug.
I blushed.
"I'm happy for you both!", he said and smiled.
All Might is the best.
"Thank you", I said and walked towards Aizawa sensei.
After I brought Aizawa sensei to agree with this too, I walked outside.
"Ba-", I couldn't speak.
I saw Bakugo with another girl. She had red hair with yellow streaks. She was a little more longer than bakugo. And she was wearing the U.A. uniform. Have I seen her before?
I sat down the stairs and waited for him to notice me.
How long will it take?
Bakugo saw me after a couple of seconds. He walks towards me with the girl??
"Hi I'm Kaiya! I'm Bakugo's cousin"
"Oh hi", I said and smiled.
Bakugo blushed lightly.
Thank god it's his cousin.
"I'm Y/n, Katsuki's..."
"Girlfriend?", she asked.
Bakugo punched her shoulder.
"Oh... soooo... you knew?
"He told me and I gave him advic-"
Bakugo held her mouth.
"Kaiya, shut the hell up", he said.
I laughed.
We exchanged numbers.
After that she went home.
"Baby let's eat something, I'm hungry", I said.
"Don't ever call me like that when we're outside."
"Why is that?"
"I don't want it"
"Oh okay...", I said.
I could cry. Why? I felt sad. Why am I so emotional about this? I don't even know?? I wasn't like this before.
"Mhmm?", I said.
My head was tilted down, my arms behind my back and I was just staring at my shoes... I was trying not to cry.
Bakugo held my face in his hands.
"Look at me", he said.
His hands were warm.
Just as I saw him, I started to tear up.
He widened his eyes and sighed.
"Fine. Not now but someday...we'll tell our classmates if that is what you want...then you can call me like that..."