Pushing too hard for love

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''It's nice to meet you guys!'' Todoroki said smiling.

''Mhm.'' Bakugo still wiping the blood from his nose.

''Someone is coming,'' Todoroki said with a dead stare.

''Hey, guys! I got the rest of the wood you wanted!''Sero said running inside.

''By the way, Todoroki what is your power?'' Lida said tilting his head in confusion.

''I have ice and fire!'' Todoroki said tilting his head with a smile.

''No wonder everything was frozen in the forest!'' - Sero

''EVERYTHING!?'' Everyone said except Todoroki.

Todoroki laid down on Bakugo's shoulder sound asleep not even thinking about everyone who is watching him sleep the room stayed silent after Todoroki laid his shoulder making Bakugo looking at him with a sweet smile and then Bakugo getting ready to lay his head on Todoroki head but then a bang came from the door. Kirishima slowly opens the door ''Hello?'' it was a villager who wanted help.

''Hello, how can we help you?'' Kirishima said giving him a strange look.

''I need help please!'' the villager begged. Before Kirishima could answer Todoroki stepped in and say ''Yes! we can help you!''

''Todoroki why did you do that,'' Bakugo whisper to Todoroki.

''I just want to help.'' Todoroki whispers back to Bakugo pouting.

''Fine we will help you.'' Bakugo said angry a bit.

''Not only me I want you to help all of us!'' The villager said pointing at the crowd.

''Tsk. Fine we will help all of you.'' Bakugo looking at Todoroki and looking back at him which makes Bakugo blush when Todoroki smiles.

''Ok, so what do you want us to do?'' Deku said tilting his head in confusion.

''Ok, we want the Bakusquad to get food for us!''Someone in the crowd said.

''We want Dekusquad to meltdown this huge ice and provide us warm water down at the lake.'' Another person suggested.

Todoroki looked up at Bakugo and pulled his sleeve.'' What's wrong halfie?'' looking in Todoroki blue and grey eyes.''Who squad am I in?'' he asks holding  Bakugo's hand.'' You should go with Deku.'' Bakugo pointing at Deku.

''We do yall request now go home were going and finish the request,'' Bakugo said looking at the crowd with a dead stare. After that, the crowd slowly went to their homes hoping that the children will actually do the request they separated but Todoroki hugs onto Bakugo leg which made Bakugo looking at the dual haired boy who was squeezing Bakugo's leg.'' What's  wrong halfie?'' Bakugo and Deku squad looking surprised that Bakugo hasn't screamed at the little boy. '' Aren't you coming with me to help me melt down the ice?'' Todoroki looking at Bakugo doing his puppy eyes which made Bakugo getting another nose bleed. ''Go with Deku and when your finish I will cuddle with you.'' As then Todoroki's eyes lit up ''I will do it!'' he shouted and started running to Deku squad.

''OooooOooooOoo it looks like you got a crush on Todoroki~'' Mina and Denki jinx.

''Shut the fuck up you extras!'' Bakugo shouted loudly that he scared some of the animals in the forest.

''I mean they are right Bakubro you really do have a little crush on Todobro,'' said Kirishima

''Tch. Don't get me started with you and Deku.'' Bakugo said harshly.

''I-'' Kirishima stuttering and get cut off with Mina and Denki ''Ooooooo'' Making Kirishima turning as red as his hair ''Can we change the subject?''Kirishima embarrassed looking at the ground.''Sure sure'' Sero said swinging on the trees with his tape.'' Let's just get in a position.'' Bakugo said putting his hands in his pocket.

/'Meanwhile with Deku squad'/

''So Todoroki-Kun can you melt this down?'' Deku pointing at the huge ice.''I think so.''Todoroki said scratching his head.''I know you can do it!!'' Ochako said encouraging Todoroki.''Guys how old are you?''Todoroki asks tilting his head. ''I am 8'' Tenya said.''I am 7'' Tsyu said. ''I am 5.''Deku said. ''I am also 5'' Ochako said with a smile. ''Oh, ok I guess I will get started.''

''Todoroki-Kun I will help you while the rest get started building the watering hole for the villagers and the others to celebrate.''- Deku

''What watering hole?''-Todoroki tilting his head in confusion.

''That we do for winter and we get to take off our clothes and relax in the hot water so we will melt down the ice so it can help us with more water altogether for we kids to enjoy and obviously the boys will be separated from the girls,'' Lida said while chopping his hands in the air.

Todoroki eyes lit up glowing brightly''When will it happen what time and what day!?'' Todoroki sound eagerly when he heard the news.

''All-time at night during New Year's eve even people will be sharing kisses under the mistletoe and it does be sooooo romantic me Tsyu shared our last year and Kirishima and Deku shared a kiss that same year also Lida was  kissing sero!''Ochako was eager to tell Todoroki all the information.

Todoroki's eyes lit up when he heard all of this thinking he might be able to get to kiss Bakugo on the lips ''Let's get started!'' Todoroki using his left hand to melt the ice.

The rest started looking for wood to build the structure and with the help of some villagers, Todoroki was getting really hot so he took off his shirt in the cold making Deku worried Deku soon realize that Todoroki was pushing his self too hard that he was burning everything around him slowly Todoroki was getting angry because the ice won't melt as fast as he thought hen Deku was about to tell the rest they were right behind looking at Todoroki which made them worried.

~/'Meanwhile with the Bakusquad'/~

''Yas! we got over 10 animals!'' Mina saying excited while some villagers running up were Katsuki who was out of breath running up to the mountain.''The prince-...'' One of the villagers said panting.'' WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE PRIN-..'' then before Katsuki was finished he could see smoke and then lida running up to them.'' What's wrong Lida!? Sero asking concerned.''Todoroki is pushing himself too hard just because he wants a kiss from Bakugo.'' As soon as Lida finish the sentence we heard Deku screaming in pain.'' Tsk.'' Bakugo started running to where he saw the smoke. 

When they got there Deku was on the ground screaming in pain while Todoroki trying to finish melting down the ice.''What happened Ochako!?'' Lida said concerned. ''Deku tried to touch Todoroki back when he touches it burned his hand!''Ochako pointing at Deku's hand which was burned.''How are we going to calm down Todoroki?''Mina saying concerned.''Hey halfie, look at me.'' Katsuki saying trying to get a hug from Shoto. But Shoto barely paid attention.''I can't move my hand my body doesn't want to move I need cold ice!''Shoto pointed out then out of nowhere someone froze Shoto from the back which made Shoto looking at back at the person.


word count:1128

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