Plans and other plans

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/'~Time skip until Shoto is 15~'/

With Bakugo squad

''I can't believe the young prince's birthday is next week and we will get to meet him at his castle!''Mina squealed.

''Yeah thanks, Momo that was very manly of you,'' Kirishima said looking at Momo with a smile.

''Yeah but Bakugo doesn't look so happy about it,'' Momo replied looking at the Blonde male who has an angry look.

''Tsk. I'm fine just leave me alone I'm going and go look for Aito!'' The angry pomeranian said picking up his speed.

''I can't believe Kacchan got a boyfriend I am happy for him but I don't really the boyfriend he got.'' Midoriya whisper to the rest because he doesnt want Bakugo to hear.

Everyone agreed with Midoriya with a silent nod. Because Aito is that person who is thirsty for power most of the time he does stealed Bakugo from his team all the time from hanging out, training and even missions. He just always gets his way even one time when we asked Bakugo to give him money he gets it. Kirishima even caught Aito cheating with Monoma.

''Hey Aito, are you coming with us to the castle?'' Bakugo asking with a slight blush on his face.

''Yeah sure babe I can't  wait to see the prince!!'' Aito saying with a squealed making Bakugo more nervous that the prince will steal his boyfriend.

''Then we should start packing because we are going to spend a week there...'' Bakugo saying nervously.

''Ok everyone we will get picked up by a carridge in the morining!'' Momo saying so excited.

''I can't wait to see little Shoto again!'' Mina saying very loudly. Making Aito confused about her saying little Shoto.

''Whose little Shoto?'' Aito raising an eyebrow looking at Mina while holding her boyfriend's hand.

''Don't listen to her Aito she's just talking shit,'' Bakugo growled giving Mina a death stare.  Aito whose looking confused and looked back at Bakugo who was angry. Mina had an idea she went and grabbed the rest except for Bakugo and Aito and huddle the rest. ''Guys you know how Aito is a cheater right?'' Mina said whispering everyone nodded at the question Mina gave. ''So?'' Shinso saying confused like everybody else. ''We can prove that Aito is a gold digger to Bakugo by using Todoroki to lower him,'' Mina said. ''Then we should make him jealous.'' Kirishima saying everyone accept it except for Momo. ''We can't use Todoroki like that he is a prince after all it will ruin his reputation.'' Momo reminding everybody, everyone nodded in and agreement with Momo but still want Bakugo to break up with Aito. ''We will make Aito jealous by talking about Shoto,'' Mina replied and everyone nodded in agreement.

When they turned Aito and Bakugo were having a makeout session which makes the others more vex. ''I guess we should go and sleep before tomorrow comes!''Deku trying to pull the two apart.''Yeah, Yeah whatever nerd.'' Bakugo saying giving a death stare which scared them a bit. Even Mina pee her pants. ''Baby don't go so hard on them,'' Aito said giving Bakugo the puppy eyes which made Bakugo blush sightly and turned away walking to the cabin. Even the group was disgust ''How could Bakugo like a puppy eyes like that!'' Kirishima said speaking softly to the group.''It reminds me of Mineta..'' Mina said getting ready to throw up. The whole group of friends laughed.

''Hey, babe...'' Aito said laying on Bakugo's firm chest half-naked. ''Hm?'' Bakugo said not really paying attention. ''Who was that Shoto boy that the others were talking about.'' The brunette boy said looking up to Bakugo who eyes were shut down fast asleep. ''Nvm then....'' the brunette boy fall asleep on Bakugo's chest then Aito woke up because how Bakugo's was beating faster than before ''Is Bakugo scared of a boy name Shoto?'' Aito mumbled to himself and soon fall asleep.

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