Samuel Red ~ Interaction ~ Chapter Three

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Ember had her face buried in my chest as she cried. Opal had been saved, unfortunately, by one vote. That one vote was Kira. I had a feeling she wouldn't be alive for much longer - a lot of people were angry at her. There was a high chance that the Impostors were in that group.

"Leave her alone! Kira's saving lives, unlike you! If you all want Opal ejected, then you're all as bad as the Impostors!" Brooke screamed, and with that she stormed off, dragging Kira behind her. Ava followed the blue-haired girl and grabbed her hand in a comforting way. They weren't dating, and Ava claimed to only like Brooke as a friend, but everyone knew she was lying. You see, Ava isn't known for her ability of speaking untruthful things...

Ember's grip tightened and a blushed a little. My hand subconsciously went to stroking her short, silky, raven-black hair and I only noticed my actions when I saw her teary-eyed face smiling at me. My cheeks grew even hotter and I turned my head away from her. I had only ever seen her on my computer screen, when I watched her Twitch streams (and sometimes collaborated with her), and man... She was much cuter in person.

Everyone eventually cleared out and it was just me and Ember left. We decided to make our way to Admin, as we both needed to do our card swipe task. However, we bailed on that idea and left Tyler and Peter alone... In short, Peter was pinned against the wall (by Tyler, of course) and a blushing mess, meanwhile Tyler looked as innocent as a baby. Of course, I know Tyler isn't as innocent as he seems - he's the dirtiest motherfucker I've ever laid my eyes on... I mean he's dirty-minded, at least.

So instead, Ember and I made our way to storage. She emptied the garbage chute and I was about to fill up the fuel tank when the lights flickered off. Ember held onto my arm tight and screamed, however her screams weren't the only ones heard. Three people ran past me, and, by the sound of it, those people were Kira, Coral and Ava. I could make out her determined smirk, and then I looked down.

Ember was gone.

"Ember?" I screamed. Where had she ran off to? I ran into electrical, worried sick, and then the lights turned back on. However the screams and shouts continued. I could see that silky black hair around the corner, so I made my way to the back of electrical. The screams got worse, but...

I can't hear them anymore.


Word count: 437

Oh my god I'm going to cry ;v;

I'm crying


This is too cute I swear I-


Anyway uh- thanks for reading this shitty chapter. I know it's really short so I'm sorry- I wanted this to be a short round. The next chapter will be longer. Again, thanks for reading :)

And again, credit to @KestrelKreates for making the cover! I can't get over how good it is omg aaaaaa-

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