Ember Black ~ Interactions ~ Chapter Five

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(Rip Samber shippers ~ Felix)

I couldn't bear to watch Opal banging on the window, begging to get back inside. Her eyes widened as she took a deep breath and threw herself at the window. She bounced off and drifted away into the darkness; our last sight of the self-centred girl was her eyes rolling into the back of her head, her hands clasped around her throat, her mouth hanging open mid-breath. I let out a dry sob and Samuel slipped his arm around my shoulder. I shuddered at his cold touch. 'Boys...'

I stood up suddenly and quickly walked out of the Cafeteria

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I stood up suddenly and quickly walked out of the Cafeteria. I can't stand being in a large group. My brother and sister were killed, and their killers are in that group of people. I began walking out of the cafeteria, and to my luck nobody followed me. I don't want to be anywhere near anyone-

"Oh, hey Ember!" I turned around and saw Peter and Tyler. I smirked as I saw Tyler holding Peter's hand, and carried on walking. Where was I walking to? No idea, as long as it took me as far away from the Impostors as possible I didn't care. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Far away from everyone. I don't want to be the next one killed. I have to survive..." I muttered the last sentence, almost as if I didn't believe it. I didn't believe anything then - my brother and sister... Both dead. "Isac, Kira, Ava... All of us. What did we do to deserve this?"

The boys had caught up with me and blocked off my path. "Nothing, we're completely innocent," the green-haired boy said, "But that's why we must survive. Stick with us, Ember - we'll survive that way-"

"I'd rather die alone than watch you two make out," I growled, "Couples disgust me. Get out of my way."

"M- Make- Make out?" The small boy stuttered. Despite him being three years older than me, I'm about four inches taller than him. I smirked teasingly and turned the other way. I felt someone reach for my arm and, instinctively, I turned around sharply and smacked him around the face. "Tyler!" Peter screamed, as Tyler stood, his head still turned from the force of the smack. I went to continue walking but he turned around, in the same way I did, and punched me in the spine.

I fell to the floor and rubbed my back in agony. Man, I still remember how much that hurt to this day, and I still get the chills thinking about it. He went to kick me in the face but I dodged and quickly lifted my leg to kick him in the chest, but he dodged that too. It seemed like we were both experienced in fighting, but that didn't stop me for trying to punch his shoulder. He grabbed my arm and spun me around, letting go of me at some point so I fell into the wall.

"G- Guys, stop it!" Peter stuttered, but his squeals of fear couldn't stop me now. With the strength I had left I slowly got up, shifting my weight to my right leg. Tyler went to punch my in the nose, but I leaned to the right and he punched the wall behind him. Almost as if in slow motion, I grabbed his arm and flung him onto the floor, face first. A tiny puddle of blood was now forming, but I didn't care. I started to walk towards him but the small Peter stepped in front of me and flung out his arms. I chuckled.

"Get out of my way, Peter. I don't want to have to hurt you too-"

Without warning, the small boy kicked me, square in the chest, and I fell back into the wall. He spun me around and held my wrists behind my back as if he were about to handcuff me, though of course he didn't have handcuffs with him at the time. "Are you going to stop fighting?" He asked politely, as though he wasn't holding me against the wall. I shifted a little, I didn't like him being this close to me. I could feel his breathe tickling my nape, making my hairs stand on end. "I said, are you going to stop fighting?" He asked again. I nodded my head in response and he let go of my wrists, which were stained red with blood.

I shoved my hands in the pockets of my black leather jacket as I watched Peter help Tyler sit against the wall. I chuckled to myself. 'Loser'.

I wandered into Reactor, which was the closest (as the fight had occurred in Upper Engine), and completed my Simon Says task. Who assigned these tasks? Nobody knew, except for the Impostors, perhaps. I then made my way to Electrical and hesitantly walked to the back. Someone had taken the bodies away and cleaned up the blood, and I couldn't help but wonder where their bodies were now...

"Leave me alone, I don't want to be killed."


Word count: 844

I left it there because the meeting is really short and I don't want chapter 6 to be too short soooooo...

I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless! ^w^

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