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[Keep in mind V is living through Johnny's memories.]

"Johnny," a familiar beautiful woman called out from the crowds as I took the stage. I smiled and motioned for her to come on stage.

"Meet me in my dressing room, Alt," I whispered in her ear as I looked at the thousands of attendees. "This song goes out to the broken, to the damned, to everyone corpos have fucked over. Lets rock out NIGHT CITYYYYYY!" I strummed my guitar. "WE LOST EVERYTHING-

"Killer concert, Johnny," my manager spoke to me. "Ready for a world tour?" I held my cigarette between my fingers, twiddling it before I smoked.

"This was my last show."

"Riiiiight. Okay, rocker boy. I'll see you on the tour bus." He walked away, unconvinced. I stubbed my cigarette out as I entered my dressing room.

"Hey, babe." Alt laid on my couch, only wearing my leather jacket. "It's been soooo longggg."

"Not feeling it, Alt." I shrugged her off as I poured myself a drink of rum and lemonade.

"C'mon, it'll be fun." She walked over to me, hugging me from behind. "You seem tense. Lets ease some of that. Shall we?"

"Fuck," I grabbed my bottle of blue pills, popped two and before I knew it, we were making love on the countertop. Before I knew it, we were outside, arguing like a married couple.

"Johnny. This is serious."

"I am being serious, Alt. Arasaka will be the death of all of us if I don't-"

"Well well well," a group of thugs pulled up, each one carrying iron.
"Rocker boy and his doll."

"The fuck do you punks want?!" I pulled out my pistol but before I could fire it off, two steel mantis blades tore into my torso like a hot knife through butter. I fell onto the concrete as I helplessly watch them steal Alt from me.

"Let it be known, Samaurai. Corpos. Always. Win," the claw wielding thug spat at me as him and his partners drove off.

"Fuck...." everything went dark as a pair of black leather boots walked towards me.
The sounds of medical machienery, the mono-toned stero playing in the background, the coughing of my ripperdoc with stage 2 lung cancer from decades of cigarette usage.
My vision was blurry as I awoken, strapped to the chair with my doc finishing up with his examination of me.

"Fuck.....," I groaned as it was excrussatingly painful to even breathe.

"A brush with death, per usual. I look the liberty of patching ya up, giving you some synthetic organs." My eyes diverted from the doc to the mystsrous no name standing besides him, dressed head to toe in all black.

"Who's this?"

"Name's unimportant. I saw everything, I think I can help you rescue your girl." I laughed as I stood to my feet.

"Silverhand rides solo. And surely, I don't need the lights of some unnamed punk to try and get me flatlined."

"If you're on a suicide pact mission, sure. Go on ahead and get flatlined. But I want to help you."

"Why?," I scoffed. "What's giving you a hard on for helping my ass out? Last I checked, most people hated my guts, others took that quite literally."

"Figured I could help you in exchange for recording the whole ordeal. Exposing the corpos."

"I'm not buyin it." He sighed and grabbed a flask from his pocket.

"Believe me or not, your girl will die if you just stand here, arguing with me."
He made a valid point, doesn't mean I trust him. "Name's Thompson. All I ask is to record this news, to expose the corpo bastards. I can be of use to you, provided we have a crew instead of a suicide pact."

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now