Merriell " Snafu " Shelton

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" Oh come on Y/N, It's obvious Merriell has a huge thing for you " Says my co-worker Nancy

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" Oh come on Y/N, It's obvious Merriell has a huge thing for you " Says my co-worker Nancy.

Nancy and I were both Nurses working for the Marine Corp, we travel with the marines in case any of them get hurt during battle. We recently started these positions since we've been losing too many Marines during this war with the Japs. We couldn't afford to let anymore marines die on us before getting to the hospital. So the Marine corp had a couple nurses, including me and Nancy, travel with them so we could heal whichever Marine gets hurt.

" Nancy don't be so ridiculous. Merriell is just being nice, that's all. ", I remove the bloody sheets from the hospital beds.

" Sweetie do you not notice the looks he gives you?! How is that not having feelings for you?! ", I chuckle a bit and I look at her.

" I do not believe what you are saying one bit Nancy. ", I walk off leaving Nancy cleaning the rest of the healing rooms.

I walk to the cleaning station, while walking there. There are many men training, talking with each other, messing around, being men. A couple of them whistle at me, telling me to approach them.. It made me pretty uncomfortable.. But I just move along with my day and ignore it.

" My my, what is this fine little lady doing here all by herself " A familiar voice says into my ear from behind.

I let out a sigh,

" Merriell. " I say bluntly, I then turn to face the young marine.

Ok, as much as Merriell may tend to annoy me a bit.. He is quite handsome, gorgeous eyes, curly hair, amazing jawline...

" Y/N. So have you considered that walk on the beach I offered?? " Says Merriell as he then holds one of my hands. I immediately pull my hand back from his.

" I'm busy Merriell, maybe another time? " I say quickly, I then to walk away as fast as I could.

" Hey hey hey wait a minute. Come on baby, you deserve a break at least. " Merriell says as he then speed walks in front of me and holds the same hand again.

I let out a sigh, I mean I can't really deny him... Oh what the heck.

" Alright, alright.. I guess we can go on that walk. " I say as I look at him in the eyes, butterflies start forming in my stomach. Merriell really did have some gorgeous eyes.

" Here, you can wash this later. ", Merriell takes thw bloody bed sheet from my hands and places it in a random person's tent.

" Shall we go now? " Asks Merriell as he looks and smirks at me.

I nod softly and we then walk over to the beach. It was very peaceful, and relaxing. Merriell and I spent our time together just walking and talking, getting
to know more about each other. We actually have a lot of things in common. Merriell seemed like such a sweet guy, maybe I misjudged him.

" Hey Y/N, mind if I tell you something? ", Merriell holds my hand once more and turns me to him as we stand in the middle of the beach.

" Uh.. N-No.. What is it??? " I say as my cheeks start to turn pinkish.

" Alright.. Well I know you don't like me very much, because I may act like a douchebag around you... But, I really really like you Y/N. "

My heart stops for a second... Nancy was telling the truth... Merriell does like me...

" Y-You do..? ", I look down at our hands,

" But how...? I'm not even pretty or anything.. ", Merriell holds my cheek at faces me up at him.

" Why would you even say that about yourself. You're absolutely stunning, you're sweet, you got a rockin bod ", Merriell's last comment makes me chuckle softly.

" Look all I'm saying is that, you're incredible. You are definitely the most attractive woman I have ever seen in my life, and I'd do anything to be a part of your life Y/N... So.. Would you like to be girl?? ", His gorgeous eyes look into my eyes as he asks me that final question.

I've never had anyone tell me such sweet things before... For once.. Someone actually likes me for me... Maybe.. I should just give Merriell a chance..

" Merriell.. You can the biggest pain in the ass sometimes.. But... A part of me thinks that... You aren't even that bad, matter of fact. Those words you said to me... made me feel much better about myself... I love knowing that.. You actually care about me. ", I hold his other hand.

" And that you're actually willing to be with me... So, yes I'd love to be with you Merriell. " I say and I then look at him once more and I flash a small smile.

He smiles back and he then pulls me close to him by my waist and he softly places his lips on mine. The kiss becomes slightly more passionate and I wrap my arms around Merriell's neck. Its almost as if Merriell was wanting this kiss. A couple seconds after, Merriell pulls away, I feel his warm breath against my lips.

" By the way, you don't have to call me Merriell baby. Just call me Snafu. ", He smiles at me.

I smile back at him,

" Alright Snafu, now if you'll excuse me. I have some bed sheets to wash. " I say to Snafu, I then start to walk away.

" Are you free later?? " Asks Snafu, I stop for a second and I turn to him.

" Maybe, I'll come to you if I am Snafu. ", I smile once more at him and I then walk off to finish cleaning the bed sheets.

960 words

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