Elliot Alderson

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I look up from my phone, across the street was the apartment building that looked identical to the photo on my phone screen

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I look up from my phone, across the street was the apartment building that looked identical to the photo on my phone screen.

This must be the place... This isn't so, fitting, as my cousin said it was. This apartment looks rather.. Ghetto..

After looking at both sides of the road, I speed walk up to the building. So here's a backstory, I just moved to New York hoping to make a living here. I'd moved out of my home back in New Orleans, and my cousin Amanda who lives in New York suggested these apartments. I was hoping they'd still be "fitting" and "in tip top shape" like Amanda said, but now they look pretty worn out, and there's a strong scent of cigarettes..?

" Hey " I hear a female voice say to me. I look to my left, behind me, in front of me, then I look to the right and down.

A woman who looked like she was in her early 20's sat on the stairs, while smoking a blunt, " You're new here aren't you?? " Her hair was wavy, and she had braids on the right side of her head.

I softly nod at her, she then chuckles, " I could tell from the look on your face. Ya wanna hit?? " She asks holding the blunt up to me.

I shake my head frantically, I'm not a smoker.. I've never really been a smoker, I'm a bit of a drinker, but certainly not a smoker.

" Not big on weed huh? Oh well, more for me. " She says as she finish her blunt and putting it out by rubbing it on the stair.

She then gets up and stands in front of me, " I'm Shayla, what brings you here?? "

" I-I'm Y/N, I uh, got recommended to live here. " I say quite nervously, I hope she doesn't feel like I don't wanna talk to her..

" Girl, I wouldn't if I were you. Personally. But if you really need a place to stay, just try to handle certain things that goes on around here. " She says, she then walks inside the building. Leaving me puzzled..

Certain things??.. I mean surely it mustn't be that bad...  Plus, I really do need a place to live.. This is the only apartment I can find that's perfect for my budget...

I then walk inside, from what I remember, my cousin called me while I was walking to the apartment. She told me that she'd already booked me an apartment for me, and under my name.

" Miss Y/L/N?? " A male voice says from beside me, I jump a little and I turn around. A man around 40 stood beside me with an apartment key in hand.

" Y-Yes that's me.. " I stutter trying to keep good composure. I am a very nervous person..

" This is your apartment key, the apartment number is Y/A/N. " He says handing me the key, I nod thanking him and I take the key into my hand. On the key was a tag, which had my apartment number on it.

After the taking the elevator up to the designated floor number, I walk down the hallway and I arrive to my apartment. Before I could insert the key into the key hole of the door knob, I hear a door open from my behind me. I turn around and I was then face to face with a guy. He had on a black hoodie, black jeans.. Black everything.. His hood was on his head, he scanned my face as I stared back at him.

I try to break the silence by saying something, but he then walked away.. Not much of a talker I guess.. I unlock my door and I walk into the apartment.

The first I see when walking in was a small couch on the left side, a small tv on the right. Everything was very dusty.. I have some cleaning to do...


After about 2 hours, I finally finish cleaning. I dusted off the couches, the tv stand, the tv, I even dust off the kitchen and my room. I even swept the place, thought I unfortunately still couldn't mop since I still didn't have floor cleaner. Right now I was currently fixing my clothes into my closet.

I hang up my last shirt and I walk over to the living room. I begin to think to myself, It's still pretty early.. Perhaps I should go out to the grocery store to buy some stuff for the house.. I check my hand bag to see if I still had some money, I had 70 bucks to spare. I hold my hand bag on my wrist, and I grab my apartment key.

After walking out the door and locking, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It'd startled me, and I turn around. It was the same guy from earlier.

" Where are you going..? " He asked, his tone was so deep, he almost spoke in a whisper.

" Uh-Uhm.. To the grocery store.. " I say in a shaky tone, due to the fact that I was still a bit startled.

" Please don't, it's dangerous out there.. " He says as he looks out at the hallway.

Before I could ask why, a sudden gunshot was heard. As I was fixing to let out a scream, I feel arms wrap around me and cover my mouth. I was then dragged into an apartment, and I hear the door close from behind me as I stood on the door. I look up to see the guy, his face was turned to the side, his heart beat was accelerating.

" Where the fuck are you Elliot?! YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM US FOREVER! " I hear from a voice from outside yell out, another gunshot was then heard. This caused me to jump again, and the guy pulls me closer to him. My head was against his chest, and his hand was still over my mouth. His chin lays on my head as he turns to the opposite side he was facing.

Suddenly the doorknob to the apartment was shaking, meaning whoever was outside was trying to open the door. He must've locked it once we came in.  The doorknob then stops shaking,

" Damnit! He's not here, let's go look somewhere else! " Says the voice in anger, the guy and I try to remain silent as the footsteps fade away.

Once there was pure silence I pull away from the guy, he then looks at me while I was looking at him with fear written all over me.

" Don't worry about them.. But promise me you'll stay safe while out here on this side of New York. " He says.

" Who are you.. " I ask out of curiosity, he turns away after I ask.. He's really not a social person is he.

As I let out a sigh, I walk by him attempting to leave. Once my hand was on the door knob, he'd spoken up.

" Elliot... my name is Elliot. ", I stop in my tracks and I look over at him. He was looking down at the ground.

" Y-You're the guy.. They're after.. " I let out, he then nods slowly.

I turn my body around to face him, he looks over at me.

" B-But why.. " I ask, Elliot immediately shook his head and looked back down.

" It's best if you don't know.. Y/N. ", Hearing Elliot say my name made my heart beat accelerate, how did-?

" And the reason I know you're name is because I heard that you're new to this place.. " He says. D-Did he just read my mind..

I wasn't comfortable here anymore... I was again fixing to leave, but I then feel Elliot's hand on my wrist causing me to stop. Though I didn't look at him this time, I was too afraid to.

" No matter what happens, don't mention to anyone that this happened. No one needs to know about this.. " He says, his tone was deeper than before.

I felt way too intimidated to be in his presence, therefore I pulled my wrist away and I rush out the door. I accidentally slam the door, causing me to jump. I stare blankly at Elliots apartment door.

Will I really want to stay here for the rest of my life...

1392 words

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