Elliot Alderson II.

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Part 2.

It'd been a week since the shooting that happened at the apartments

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It'd been a week since the shooting that happened at the apartments. I've been trying my best to distance myself from people. Ever since Elliot told me to not tell anyone about the shooting, I've decided to not talk to anyone.

I was currently in my apartment, I was sitting at my dining table looking through a website for jobs on my laptop. I come across a bank owned by E corp, they're looking for new accountants with experience.

After I finish reading and scanning through the application, I decide to apply. I did work at a bank in New Orleans, not for too long though. But I still remember some of the basics of banking. Plus these payments are perfect. After sending my resumé, I close my laptop. I was getting pretty hungry, I look over at the clock. It read 3:37pm, I guess I could go for walk. See if I can find a place to eat.

I gather up my hand bag and my apartment key and I head out the door. I lock and close it, I then get a glance of Elliots door. My heart sank for a little bit, but I then walk off so my anxiety level wouldn't rise. As I head out the building and I wait on the sidewalk for a cab, I get a phone call.

After answering it, I heard a little bit of static on the line. " Hello?? " I say into the phone. The was silence and static for about 5 seconds.

I was fixing to hang up when, " Y/N... " Said the voice slowly, and deeply. My heart accelerated a little bit, I have no idea who this is..

" Wh-Who is this..? " I ask trying not to seem afraid, " Y/N.... Please help me. " Says the voice again, though I still didn't who this is..

" Who is this? ", My tone was more stern than before. There was then static for another 5 seconds.

I had enough, before the person on the line could say another word I hang up. I look up with the most puzzled look on my face, Who on earth even was that.. I shake off the thought and I see a cab driving up to me.


I begin to depart from a cafe with a latte in my hand, I decide to walk around New York to get a feel of my new home. I look up at the buildings, taking in every second of my time here. Although it was very crowded, it was honestly a nice environment. I look at both sides of the road I was crossing, instead of walking ahead and crossing. I felt arms wrap around me, I then started to feel a piece of cloth around my mouth. A weird smell started to overpower my sense of smell, also making me dizzy in the process. The next thing I know my vision went completely pitch black, and I couldn't feel anything.


My eyes slowly began to open, my vision was still pitch black. My heart accelerated faster than the speed of sound, I try to move. My body couldn't move at all, my wrists felt tied up to something, my feet were in chains.. I try to scream for help, I let out muffled sounds.

" Y/N, L/N. " I froze in fear, not knowing who's voice this was. It was different from the voice on the phone. I felt something cold, something metal rub against my cheek.

I could feel myself on the verge of tears, when all of a sudden the metal object hit me across my right cheek. I let out a muffled scream of pain, tears start running down my face.

" I understand that you we're with Elliot Alderson the day of the shooting at the apartment you both are living in. Correct? " They ask, my heart sinks. My wrists become sweaty... I promised Elliot... I can't

I was snapped out of my thought when the same metal object strikes me across the face again, " ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! " His voice was loud, intimidating.

I nod frantically trying to say yes. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my mouth as a piece of tape was ripped off, I heard myself scream in pain.

" Shut up and tell me where Elliot is!! " He yells grabbing my face with full force. Tears stream down my face, I'm sure they even got on his hands.

" I don't know !! ", I feel a hand slap me, making me cry even more. " Don't you dare fucking lie to me!!! "

" I'm not I swear I don't know!! " I cry out. I hear nothing but hard breaths from 5 inches away from my face.

I expected the man to do something, when I then heard a hard punch. I jump and scream in fear, I sink my body into the chair I was sitting in.

" Hey, hey it's ok.. ", Relief rushes through my body as soon I recognize a voice I finally knew.

" E-Elliot..? ", I feel hands starting to untie the ropes on my heads, release my feet from the chains.

I finally saw light when he removes a blindfold from my eyes. I squint my eyes a little, trying to regain my sight. Once my vision was clear, I could see Elliot in front of me with concern on his face. I couldn't do anything but hug him, crying into his shoulder. I didn't feel his arms hug me back, making me pull away from him a couple seconds after.

" I wanna go home... " I let out looking at Elliot, my eyes were puffy and bright red.

He nods in response and helps me up. As we walk out the strange building we were in, I look down and I see a man with a tuxedo. He was laying unconscious on the ground. Who the hell even is he...? And how does he know me...?

Elliot and I walk back to the apartments, I look up at the building feeling even more relieved. We both enter, and take the elevator up to our designated floor. As the elevator dings, Elliot lets me walk ahead. I walk out of the elevator, and Elliot walks out after me. We proceed to walk up to my door, I turn around to face Elliot as I stop at my door.

" Well first I just wanna thank you... For saving me.. " I say softly folding my hands together. Elliot nods and puts his hands in his pocket.

" But I also wanna clarify something... Who the hell was that guy, and what did he want from me... " I ask sternly, with my glance completely on Elliot. He on the other hand began to look down.

" Elliot, please answer me.. Why did he go after me?! ", it was silent for merely 10 seconds. I was still looking at Elliot, he was still looking down at the ground.

Finally Elliot looked up at me, " You wanted to know before why the shooters from last week were out to kill me. I cannot tell you what it is I do. But what I do, is why they're out to take my life. Now why that man chose to kidnap you, was because he somehow knew you were with me that day of the shooting. He wanted to track me down by getting you to tell him where I was. That man has always been trying to make me work with him, because of what I do. " Elliot explains.

" Why can't you tell me.. " I ask. Elliot walks up closer to me, and holds one of my hand in a shaking manner.

" Y/N... I don't want to get you involved in.. Whatever craziness goes on in my life.. You're innocent.. I'd rather die than seeing you get tracked down like today again, or even worse.. See you get killed because of me.. " Elliot says, looking into my eyes. It looked like he showed no expression, but something in me is telling me that he is being completely honest.

Elliot and I stare into each others eyes, none of us making a sound, any movement, nothing. All we could hear were our deep breaths. Elliot then raises a hand and gently cups my cheek, I tremble in response.

I didn't know what was happening, until Elliot started to lean in. My heart raced as I stood, frozen, not knowing what to do. My eyes shut as Elliots face was an inch away from my face. I could only feel his lips lightly brush mine, but he didn't entirely kiss me. I open my eyes, he was pulling away.

Elliot let out another sigh, and he walks into his apartment. Slamming the door behind him surprisingly didn't make me jump. Instead nonstop questions began to flood my mind as I stared at his door.

1476 words

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