Y/n was a popular streamer as of late, he had been inspired by Dream to start his own smp! The Dino Smp, they talked about Dream smp a lot and had they're own drama in the Dino Smp. It had been a big deal until Y/n went through rough spot and it cha...
"Aaron spare me please!!!" I said sprinting away towards the community house.
My friends Aaron and Sibs had been at war for the past few days and I had given Sibs 2 ender pearls and a golden apple and some steak, Aaron was not okay with that obviously or I wouldn't be screaming and begging for mercy.
"Y/nnnnn your suppose to be on my side! Your gonna pay for helping Sibs!" Aaron said obviously out for my blood now.
I ran as quickly as I could into the community house, "you can't kill me I'm on holy land!!!" I said pretty much screaming.
I had started streaming around 4 days ago when we started building our Smp, the Dino Smp, yes I know a very.. strange name for an Smp but we liked it and never changed it. Honestly my sister, Maria, came up with name and we never changed it.
My brother, Freddy was also a streamer. We weren't that popular but we didn't really care, we enjoyed streaming and we did have some followers so we weren't going to give up.
A couple hours passed of just Aaron, Sibs and I fooling around and running around our Minecraft world when I finally ended my stream and got off the server, but stayed on call, mostly because we had things to discuss.
"So..." Aaron said as I saw the server number go down.
"We didn't finish last night, so uhm... where?" I asked.
"I'm not aloud to leave the state.." Sibs said, I could tell she was sad and upset.
"Sooooo... You guys down to meet up in Minnesota?" I asked smirking.
I heard Sibs gasp, "I'm down." Aaron said smiling.
"Let's do it!" Freddy said.
Wren and Maria agreed also and it was settled. I was picking up Maria and her boyfriend and everyone else had they're own ride. We were leaving tomorrow morning for at least a one day long ride.
I fell asleep on call with Maria and her boyfriend Wesley, I woke up to them still on call with me. I smiled lightly and left my phone on my nightstand as I went to my private bathroom to get ready.
I took a shower and changed and came back to my phone to see them both still asleep.
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I laughed a little, I picked up my phone and went into my kitchen. I grabbed an apple and went out to my car and started to drive to Maria's house which was around 30 minutes away.
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It had only been 15 minutes when I heard movement from my phone, I had my phone set in the compartment in front of the consul to where they could see the roof of my jeep. I glimpsed at my phone to see Maria rubbing her eyes.
"N/n is you awake?" She asked getting into a sitting position.
I smiled a bit "yea, I'm on my way to your house, 15 minutes away. Don't think I'm rushing you I was gonna wake you up when I got there."
She smiled, "okay, I'll get dressed and be ready then!" She left her phone on her bed as she got dressed.
It wasn't long before I heard Wesley get up, he got dressed and everything then started playing his game.
I picked up Maria and she was beautiful as always, cute outfit and her hair in a ponytail as always.
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Maria got in the car and I left the call as she stayed on so there wasn't an echo. "On our way Wesy!" Maria said smiling at the phone.
After 10 minutes we arrived at Wesley's house, "boys up front." I said smirking, Maria looked at me weird but agreed and got in the back.
Once Wesley came out of his house and got I got he car I let him blast whatever he wanted on the radio at almost full volume with the bass all the way up.
Yes it was true we were music freaks who loved our music on full volume at all times, sure we got weird looks at stoplights, but who cared? Not us that was for sure!
A day had passed and we had just entered the small town Sibs lived in, we cheered and laughed as we pulled up to a house crowded with cars.
A big smiled was plastered on my face, we all got out of the car and knocked on the door.
I heard running and the door opened to reveal almost everyone from the Dino Smp, the only one who wasn't here was Freddy, he lived pretty far so it was understandable.
Sibs smiled brightly and was jumping up and down. She hugged me tight and I smiled hugging back. "Hey everyone!" I said doing a little wave as Sibs let me go.
We all came in and got comfortable, a few hours passed when my brother arrived and I revealed news that we were going to a summer house near Sibs.
Everyone was excited and Sibs packed her things and we went out way to the summer house.
Once we arrived at the summer house everyone got settled into the rooms, I checked my phone for the first time in 4 hours and saw I had a message request on Twitter.
I had completely forgot that me and my brother did a request to be on the Minecraft championship until I got the message request saying I was in!
I was wondering if Freddy had got accepted too or if he got denied..
I walked out of my room and into my brothers room. "Hey.. have you heard from MCChampionship yet?" I asked looking at him worriedly.
"Oh yeah, sorry I didn't tell you! I actually didn't get in.." he said looking down then back up at me, "did you get in?" He asked I heard sadness in his voice.
"Y-yeah.. I did." I said looking down nervousness laced my voice. "I don't wanna do this without you.." I said looking up at him tears threatening to fall.
"Don't let me stop you, since I can't be in it.. let's train together yeah?" He said smiling but I could tell her was hurt.
I nodded and for 4 weeks we trained for all sorts of event that could happen in the mc championship.
After telling the rest of the squad the day came of MCC... I didn't think I would ever get the chance to be in MCC but here I was competing against other more popular you tubers, my friends cheering me on in my twitch stream chat.
I couldn't believe my eyes, I was actually in MCC, wow.. have I really come that far? I thought to myself as I got the message on who I was on a team with.
MCChampionship: Purple pandas: Tommyinnit, WilburSoot and TechnoBlade.