Y/n was a popular streamer as of late, he had been inspired by Dream to start his own smp! The Dino Smp, they talked about Dream smp a lot and had they're own drama in the Dino Smp. It had been a big deal until Y/n went through rough spot and it cha...
I pulled up to the hospital and took a deep breath. Maria had kept me updated and gave me her Instagram and that's how we had been talking back and forth.
Techno: Hey, can you come outside the hospital so I know where to go? 😅
Maria: Yeah! I'll be out in a minute.
I waiting for about 5 minutes, there was so many people walking in and out but one girl stood by the door looking around, I heard my phone buzz when she looked at her phone.
Maria: where are you?
Techno: I'll walk up to the door I'm still in my car.
Maria: gotcha
I got out of my car and walked up to the front of the hospital. I walked up to who I thought was Maria, "are you Maria..?" I asked nervously.
"Sure am! You must be Techno!" She smiled brightly at me, "the doctors said he should wake up at any time now, cmon let's go inside." She said leading me inside.
~Your POV~
I woke up with white walls around me and I was in a white bed, this was too much white for my liking. I sat up cautiously, my head went into immediate pain. I heard movement outside the door, I looked to where the door was but saw no one. I got up carefully, I felt kinda weak but it's was okay. I saw some of my clothes on the chair, I took them and went to the bathroom and changed.
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Once I was finished I grabbed hold of the sink and held my head, damn it hurt don't they have an Tylenol to give me?! I heard the door open to the room.
"Y/n?" An unfamiliar voice questioned.
"Y-yeah?" I asked coming out of the bathroom almost stumbling over my own feet.
"Sit, you could fall. You don't have all your strength back yet." It was a doctor you could tell cause of his outfit.
"I want to leave." I said looking at him a little upset.
"I understand and you will today, just wait til you have enough strength."
"I do have enough strength! I'll be okay! I know I will!" I said slowly getting more upset.
"Okay.. okay. You can leave but wait until your sister comes back up here to take you home. Also someone needs to stay with you for a while just in case you pass out again, they didn't find you until two days after you passed out." He said.
I was out over two days before anyone found me? I nodded in agreement but honestly didn't want to be watched over.
Maria came into the room, the doctor turned around, "he's awake." I heard him say.