Chapter Two: MCC

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Y/T/N: Your Twitch Name
Y/U/N: Your Username

Me and Freddy had been working on improving my skills in everything they could throw at me and my team, but I wasn't too worried about winning. I just wanted to have fun, even if it was a competition.

The day had arrived, the MCChapionship. I couldn't believe who's team I was on! I couldn't get over it I was on TechnoBlade's team. I couldn't help but smile a bit as I thought about it.

I bit my lip slightly, stressed out a bit, I went to the kitchen. I started making food for everyone when Freddy came in hurriedly, "it's starting soon go set up your stream!" He said quickly pushing me to my room.

I got into my closet and changed out of pajamas and sat down at my computer.

He started finishing lunch from what I heard him mumbling, I started up my computer and starting setting up my microphone and basic things

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He started finishing lunch from what I heard him mumbling, I started up my computer and starting setting up my microphone and basic things. I logged into twitch and started my live with the 'starting soon' picture.

I waited for a couple people to join while I played music in the background

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I waited for a couple people to join while I played music in the background.

I smiled a bit as I saw people joining the live. "Hello chat! How are we all today?" I asked turning on my face cam.

"We all know how my brother and I signed up for MCC as a video joke, both of us thought we wouldn't get in... well, I got in! Sooooo I'm setting up to go live on MCC server!" I said as I shared screen and they saw me getting on the server, "we're gonna meet our teammates in a bit, so yea!"

I joined the server and saw in chat
{Tommyinnit} Y/U/N join discord call.

I laughed a little, "I guess we're meeting our teammates now!" I said joining the discord.

"Hello!" I heard Wilbur's voice.

"H-Hi.." I said nervously.

Chat could tell I was nervous, I never stuttered. Even if it was with new people.

"Are you okay? You sound nervous." Wilbur said.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry I just don't normally do stuff like this is all..." I said letting out a nervous laugh.

"Oh that's okay! We're kinda wild so I hope your not sensitive to sound." Wilbur said warning me.

"Oh that's fine, I don't care." I said smiling.

"IT'S STARTING WOOOOOOOOOO" I heard Tommy start yelling as we all rush to the bridge.

~3rd person~

The games had begun and everyone was cheering and ready for the games to begin it wasn't long before the games ended, the games were quiet fun for Y/n and his team. They got along very nicely and there was a lot of yelling and random things going on.

First game: Skyblockle, purple pandas (winner) 2570
Second game: big sales and build mart, red rabbits, 2748
Third game: survival games, cyan creepers, 2895
Fourth game: TGTTOS, purple pandas, 2984
Fifth game: rocket spleef, green guardians, 2824
Sixth game: battle box, green guardians, 3775
Seventh game: hole in the wall, purple pandas, 4190
Eighth game: parkour warrior, green guardians, 4620
Dodge bolt: purple pandas 2-0

Y/n muted himself and cheered and talked to chat, his friends came in and they all were talking and having fun. "That's gonna be it for this stream, bye everyone, love you all!" He said putting his hand to his mouth and blowing the stream a kiss and then ended it with the ended stream picture.

Y/n smiled as him and his friend went to leave the room he heard talking from his headset! He completely forgot about his teammates! He came back over and put on the headset, "SCREENSHOT TIME!!" Tommy yelled, we all got into position after a bit o...

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Y/n smiled as him and his friend went to leave the room he heard talking from his headset! He completely forgot about his teammates! He came back over and put on the headset, "SCREENSHOT TIME!!" Tommy yelled, we all got into position after a bit of laughing and messing around.

Awhile passed of them just talking to each other so Y/n left seeing no reason to be there. He went out of his room and into the kitchen to everyone getting ready, "Y/n put some shoes on! We're going out to eat to celebrate your victory!" Sibs said smiling brightly at Y/n. y/n nodded and got some shoes on and came back out.

They all were out until it was around 1:30-2 in the morning, when they all came back, everyone went into there separate rooms and passed out.

What a great and eventful day. Y/n got to talk to his favorite streamer even if it was only for a little while. He 'knew' he wouldn't talk to the streamer again but he was okay with it, Techno at least talked to him once in his life time. What more could a boy ask for?

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