House Hunting🏡

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Bob's P. O. V

To say house hunting is stressful is an understatement, it is horrific. E and I have been house hunting for about five hours now and nothing has caught our eye. I wanted a huge yard and E wants a pool in the yard, we both want a huge kitchen and also a private place that's in a good neighborhood. And it must be safe. So far we've found one that has some of what we want, the agent we are with says she has two options left for us, but she wants us to see it in person she says it fits our descriptions.

We have been driving for about 20 minutes now and we are in Beverly Hills which is a really good neighborhood and it's safe. We pull into a long driveway with a blue house in the middle of the yard, there's a garden out front and a chimney on the roof. I look over at E and she has this huge smile on her face and I immediately know that this is our home. We met our agent and walked into the house, a sense of peace washed over me at that moment. She showed us around the house which included five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a guest toilet, a huge kitchen, a spacious lounge with a fire place, a beautiful dinning area but the best part was the view of the backyard (pool included) mountains and the surrounding areas. I was honestly blown aways and watching Ej smile and take everything in was even better. The agent gave us a minute to speak and before waking aways said "Never lose your connection with each other, it is pure. In my 20 years of showing houses never has a couple looked at each others reactions more than you two. That is love."  Eliza blushed and we both thanked her.

We stepped out on the patio and Ej stood infront of me and pulled my hands to hold her. I love that she's not afraid to show affection in public.

Eliza- hmm this feels like home. I can get use to this.

Bob- I knew it the moment we pulled up and the smile that graced your face just sealed the deal. Want to sign the papers my love or do you want to check out the other house first?

Eliza- can we sign the papers, I think my heart is set on this house, but if you want to see the other house we can. There's two of us in the relationship.

I tilted her chin to me and pecked her lips.

Bob- Bubs my home is wherever you are, this is just a building but my heart is set on you and whatever makes you happy. Plus this does feel like home. So how about we go look into signing those papers?

She looked up at me with the widest smile and pecked my lips. She then took my hand and pulled me out front to the agent. We got all the forms and put in an offer and they told us that they will let us know once everything is finalized.  Looking over at my beaming girlfriend I decided that this was the perfect moment to capture I took out my phone and took a picture of her without her knowing, the ring box in my back pocket feels like it's burning into my skin I keep telling myself I need to find the perfect moment. We should probably start thinking how to tell the fans. Although they probably suspect it by now. I got a few Twitter notifications but just ignored it and put my phone away.

Elizas P. O. V

On our way home I decided to check my social media because my phone was going crazy. I opened Twitter to find a picture of Bob and I from last night, it was posted by an anonymous user and it was me sitting in Bob's lap. Just as I was about to show Bob my phone rang and it was Marie I answered it and put it on speaker.

Marie - Ej did you see the picture that was posted. The fans are going nuts.

Bob looked at me confused and I just mouthed id show him now now.

Eliza- I actually just saw it, you and I both know who took it she was the only person sitting on that side off the room that would do such a thing. But you know what it's okay because we are not hiding this time. We will officially tell our fans when we want to, we're not gonna post something just because she wanted to ruin it.

Marie- *squeals*  whatever you two do I support you 100%
Okay ill talk later got to go, love Ya

Eliza-love You

*End of call*

Bob-okay firstly what is going on and secondly do you want to grab some taco bell?

Eliza - yes to taco bell and Your little admirer posted a picture of you and I from yesterday's get together. She just had to tell our fans before we did, why must she always ruin everything for me, I've been nothing but nice to her, we were going to plan a really nice way to tell the poeple who support us but now it's ruined *by now I'm in tears, more frustrated that sad tears*

Bob pulled over to the side of the road and immediately I buckled my seat belt and pulled me onto his lap.

Bob- hay hay baby look at me, *he tilts my chin up* we are not going to let her ruin this for us okay we can still make it our own and surprise the fans and everyone okay. Nothing is going to stop our announcement from being amazing and she is definitely not going to get satisfaction from this. Because you baby are mine and I am yours and that's all that matters right. We want this, we want a family together, we want more puppies and we want forever together right?

Eliza- of course I want forever and all of that with you.

Bob- so marry me?

I was shocked as he lifted us and took a box out of his back pocket.

Eliza-wha.... What?

Bob-I know this is not the perfect proposal and not the way I planned it but now just seemed fitting I love you  Eliza Jane Taylor Cotter will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?

I looked at him with tears rolling down my cheeks and smiled so hard my cheeks felt like they were cracking. Crashing my lips into his I answered him between kisses.

Eliza-yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely Yes.

Pulling away he slid the perfect ring on my finger and I took time to admire it.

Eliza- I would marry you today if I could.

He just smiled and kissed me again. Thinking about it I would want a intimate wedding with just us and maybe somewhere tropical.

Bob- how about we announce us being together after our wedding that way nobody knows we're engaged and nobody will know we're married until we announce it.

Eliza-that sounds perfect *nervously I tell him about my plan*, so you know filming doesn't start for another 2 weeks because of the changes they've made how about we fly to Hawaii and get married, we can have Marie and Richard as witnesses and it will be just us.

Bob- that sounds perfect my love, let's get some food and we can call them and book everything. Then tomorrow I can take you out to celebrate our engagement.

Eliza- That sounds perfect my Fiancé.

With that I climbed back over into my seat and put on my seat belt. Admiring my ring.

Bob- I take you you like your ring Mrs Morley....

That definitely sent a shiver down my body and butterflies in my stomach.

Eliza - I love it and you Mr Morley.

Hi guys another update. Hope you enjoy. Ps I didn't proof read. Also..

Who is She and who is the guy???

If you have an requests leave them down below.
Be safe


Beliza♥️🦋 Bob Morley and Eliza MorleyWhere stories live. Discover now