Chapter 1 -The cage

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Hey, it's a rewritten (again) version of Indigo, I changed it into Maze of Minds yeah and I changed the cover...

So basically there's this girl called Indigo (I don't have some famous person for her, but a genius person -I forgot who it was- suggested that she's some famous person from the future and yea) and she goes into the glade. She came up BEFORE thomesa came up. Like, after Chuckie boy. The first chpter is lame but please read on :) 

i have bazillion grammar mistakes but im only human sry

I let out a huff and turn over.

Something wet drops onto my nose.

"No", I mumble, "Go away. Lemme sleep."

I breathe in deeply and the smell which hits me knocks me off my feet- err, fall off my bed.

The air smells like... blood.

My brain tells me that what I'm smelling could also be rusty metal. Well, I certainly hope so because imagine you're lying on a corpse or whatever. That'd be creepy as hell.

I touch the ground with my shaking fingers and sigh in relief as I feel something cold under me, maybe iron? That's probably why I thought it smells of like blood. I shiver. Why would I think I smelled blood? I mean it's blood, duh.

I sigh contently and reach for my covers-

Wait a second.

I'm not in my bed.

It is cold, dusty and muddy which totally ruins my clothes which isn't important, but I still am sweating like a pig. I totally could take a bath in my sweat. My throat is dry too and I really want something to drink. Have I mentioned my killer headache before? My skin is hot and sticky, eew, to touch, I bet I'm hot though too, and I think I might have a fever. Oh my god, I might die if I don't get my medicine. Maybe somebody will find me rotting in this stupid place which smells like blood.

I'm lying on the cool hard ground or as my smell confirmed:

Metal bars.

Before I fell down, I was lying on something made out of soft wood. 

My eyes shoot open.

And I close them again.

And open them again, one by one this time.

It's dark.

It's so dark, that it doesn't matter if my eyes are open or not. It's so dark that I can't even see my hand.

Are my eyes really open?

I lift my hand to my face and-


I just poked myself in the eye.

Yeah, okay, i'm awake and my eyes are open, too.

Suddenly the metal floor jerks up and I stumble forward head-on into the same metallic stuff I lie on.

A screeching sound starts to fill the silence and destroys my eardrums, which isn't pleasant. Well, something needs to be oiled.

"Please!", I wail, "Mercy me! I'm already blind, don't take away another sense!"

Just as I finish my sentence, the sound stops.

Now I can hear chains rattling and that liquid is still dropping.

I shiver.

"I wish I could see something", I whisper into the darkness.

Suddenly a light bulb flickers to life.

Oh my gee, I have magic in me.

Lol, that rhymed.

"I want a banana."

I didn't expect a banana to suddenly appear in my outstretched hand, but I still got disappointed when it doesn't.

I sigh. I knew, it was too good to be true.

With my still outstretched hand I reach up above my head.

It's the same metallic stuff.

There are four iron walls , an iron floor and an iron ceiling.

As I thought, the blood smell came from the old rusty metal cage I am in-


Why am I in a cage?

What am I doing in a cage?

Where am I in this cage?

Okay, I ran out of questions... AH:

Who am I to be in a cage?

I was just clapping to for myself when I realized that I know nothing.

Not the baby newborn nothing, mehp, mehp, but the I don't even know my name. Or age.

I can't remember anything at all, well from my past. Knowledge fills my thoughts, but it isn't the knowledge I want. I remember that I once had eaten a donut, but didn't know how it tasted. Snow on the grass. People in a small city, rushing around. But still, I didn't recognize any of the blurred faces that flooded my thoughts. I didn't even know what my last name was.

I can't remember anything. Yeah, I know that I already said that.

Who are my parents? Do I have siblings? Do they miss me? Do they even know where I am and do they even care?

Well, maybe they could be dead, too. Not saying that I hope so. I'm just really pessimistic.

I want to cry but no tears come. Why can't I remember anything? This is totally creeping me out. How old am I? Desperate I search my mind but can't find anything but since I woke up in the cage.

I give myself a hug while still wanting to cry. I'm terrified of what might happen soon. It's probably not good. I just hope there is food.

Indigo, a small voice says.

"Wha-What's Indigo. Oh right, that's a colour right. It's a dark blue. It's pretty."

No, stupid! You're Indigo!, the voice tells me.

I smile a genuine smile and climb up the wooden boxes in the corner of my cage.

Indigo, I repeat.

The chains are still rattling and my cage, the voice and moi have passed the light bulb now, so if you haven't figured it out yet, it's dark again. Woop, woop.

Forward. Right. Forward. And then up. It's a crippled elevator and I already lost count of how many times this thing has turned, but it seems to go up.

Slowly I turn immune to the sound of the chainsrattling.

"Bing, bing!", I sing, as if the elevator would stop at the end of it's journey and chime. And then door would open and my parents would smile brightly at me and give me free hugs. My dog would bark and let me pat his head.

I smile at these happy and optimistic thoughts and close my eyes.

"Sweet dreams, cage."

Then I drift off into the land of the dreams.

A/N: Some might have noticed that I rewrote like EVERYTHING

And: thx to everybody who voted and commented that i should update:D it's been more than a half year lol anyway thanks to everybody and i srsly have no idea why i decided to rewrite plus continue it. I know it's a really short chapter and I promise I'll update next week, please leave a comment or vote or both if u like/hate this. I promise the next chapter will get better.

Hugs and cookies, Izzy.


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