Chapter 2- The glade

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When I woke up, my dream came true.

I'm blinded by the light. I squeeze my eyes shut and slowly open them again, first the right one, then the left. Yeah, I kind of have an obsession with right. How do I know that?

The answer is: SURPRISE! I don't know.

I gaze up again. Everywhere are boys, maybe about 50 or more all standing at the edge of the box, curiosly peeking over it. They are all different, short and tall, thin and fat. The youngest was maybe 12 years old. The oldest maybe 17?

They were probably my family.

"Good morning", I chirp, "Are you all gay couples who adopted me?"

The boys' jaws are dropped and they just gape at me in shock. What's wrong? Have I grown a second head? Am I in a gay club? Suddenly they all start shouting and shoving, trying to get a better look at me.

I focus on a boy with weird eyebrows who is frowning at me.

"But you're a girl."

I just smile at him.

Maybe he's a cousin who doesn't remember me, the same way I don't remember any of these boys.

"Stop frowning, somebody could fall in love with your smile."

I think it's: smile, somebody could fall in love with your smile, but who cares?

The boy just frowns more.

Well, if he doesn't want to take my wise advice, then I will. I smile even brighter at them.

"Make her stop smiling. It creeps me out", somebody mutters.

Now I'm the one frowing.

Suddenly all hell breaks lose and the boys start to whisper.

"It's a shucking girl."

"Or a boy with a really high voice and long hair?"

"No. I think it's a girl."

"Ask her, him then!"

"You gotta be kidding me!"

"A girl?"

"A new Greenie!"

"Can I see it?"

"What is this girl doing here?! We should send her right back!"

"Shut it shank-face!"

"She won't be of any use, she'll just be a problem!"

"Nobody's going to be sent back."

"Is she pretty?"

"Somebody shuck me! It's a girl!"

"Why is it a girl?", a chubby small boy asks, but he was just ignored.

"She looks a little like you, Newtles."

"I'm blonde. She's brunette. And stop calling me Newtles, Albaby."

"Then don't call me Albaby."

"But I love you!", blondie aka Newtles whines.

I gape at the boys. Why isn't there a girl?

I slowly blink in confusion and glare at the sun and then at those teenagers. Ugh, I hate attention. "Yes, of course I'm a girl you idiots! Can't you see the difference between girls and boys?!", I snap, "And are you sure you're not gay couples?"

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