Chapter 5- Steve the Sandwich

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I watch as Minho leaves me with the stares of about fifty minus Minho boys. I smile nervously at them. Quickly I stuff my sandwich into my mouth, just to keep my hands moving.

"What!", I snap while chewing the sandwich. Man, that is a hella fine sandwich. I can understand Minho wanting to have it. Frypan is a real food god. I squirm again under the stare of the gladers. It's getting creepy.

Have they even blinked yet?

Finally I have enough and stuff my good sandwich into the next gladers face, which I totally regret, when I saw the glader who I'd hit, I mean, did I seriously just waste this fine sandwich to Gally?

"ERHMULT!", Gally screams.

"Sorry what?"

The rest of the gladers stare at me like I'm crazy.

"Did she just throw Steve away?"

"I think she did."

Wait a second... They named their sandwiches. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Who am I going to meet next? Peter the Apple? Or Hildeborg the banana bread?

"If you mean, Jelly here is a trash can, I totally agree", I smile at my new best friends. They just look at me totally shocked and crazy confused until finally hurrying away from the table.

Wow. Friendly.

I sigh and decide to go to Frypan for another sandwich. I can totally see me in forty years hanging out with my nine cats, married to Steve the Sandwich.

When I ask Frypan for another he just cackles like an old witch and starts talking about how I'm going to be treated like a normal greenie and how I'd have to wait until dinner.

At first I'm angry and sad, then I suddenly hug Fry. He understands me. I'm a true glader and he will treat me no different.

"Actually, you're the greenbug, so...", Frypan says and bursts my bubble of motivationness.

"Fine! At least I have a title!"

"The girl is a title, too", he protests.

"It's a statement."


We contiue talking (I continue begging for a Steve, he continues begging for me to leave him alone) and then I suddenly collapse in the kitchen, just as Fry decides to teach me the bro hand shake.

Boo, the voice says.


Hey, you're back. Couldn't you show up another time?

I come when they move.

The voice sounds amused, as if it, yes I've decided to call it it, has made a clever joke or something like that. If the voice were a person it would be smiling smug and evilly right now.


The voice doesn't answer. Weird.

I don't have visions for you today. Have fun. Get a lollipop. Bye. See you later.


Something feels wrong...

Suddenly a hand grabs my shoulder and I stiffen. I take in a deep breath fall on my butt onto a glader, I assume.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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