Chapter 4- The fight

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"She moved."


I groan and open one eye. The room is dark. All the curtains have been closed except one. Through that open space in the wall I can see the stars in the dark blue sky so I guess it's night.

Then I open both eyes and see Newt, Alby and another boy standing at the end of the bed. Newts face was still dirty from my boot/shoe. He doesn't seem angry anymore and has this concerned expression on his face. Neither does Alby. Though Alby doesn't look cute with scrunched eyebrows and a little pout...

Wait, what?

So when everything is peaceful, I, of course, have to destroy it.

"You- you... BUTT!", I spat and push Newt onto the floor.

"Bloody hell?!"

Now I finally recognize it. He had been that face behind that window. Because of him my mother got taken away. Well, now that I think about it... Young- me was better off without mom, I mean, who wants a crazy, abusing mom?

"Hey!" Alby grabs my arm and I wince.

It is my hurt arm. Of course he doesn't notice until I cry in pain.


Newt only looks confused. "Bloody hell?"

The boy who is with Alby and Newt tries successfully to push me back into the bed.

I throw a punch at him but fail. I don't have enough strength anymore.

I need sugar. Sugar which will be turned into energy by Isolin and then it will go to my muscle cells, then I 'll be able to show those kids what a real punch looks like.

Suddenly I scream, probably waking everyone in this glade up. I feel like my head is being cut open again, while I'm conscious.

"Help me!"

I realize that I had grabbed the guy whose name I don't know, nor care about, pressing him against the wall.

That sounds wrong.

Anyway, he is looking at me like I'm a monster. Like I'm the monster under his bed. He looks really scared like he's about to pee his pants.

I let go of him and stare at my hand, trying to figure out what happened.

I choked somebody who tried to help me. God, what just happened?!

The pain hits me again and I drag myself into a corner, while crying and hissing like an old pregnant cat in labor at everyone who dares to come more neare than five feet. Only god knows what I might do. If there even is a god who lets all these horrible things, like me, happen.

What have I done?

Somehow I wasn't in control of myself. I felt like somebody was telling my body to move some way I don't want. Weird...

Sometime later I fall asleep when everybody has left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

That face behind the window had definitely been Newt. Same features, same hair, same eyes. Only puffier cheeks.

Why did he watch through the window and didn't help, as if he had planned it himself? Why did the whitecoats take the woman?

My head still hurts like hell and my throat is really dry but I don't dare to go outside to search some water. Who knows what might happen.

Finally I fall asleep. But the dreams or memories, whatever they are there, are waiting for me.

Why can't I just dream about my imaginary boyfriend and unicorn like every other girl?!

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