☾year one ⥋ fall of 1989☾

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Frankie stood nervously staring at the brick wall in front of her. It was gonna hurt, she just knew it. She was gonna break her nose for sure. She felt her father place a reassuring hand on the top of her back. He leaned over, smiled widely, and said, "It's perfectly alright darling. I was scared the first time too. Be brave and come along," his cheerful tone made her stand up slightly straighter. He took her hand and before Frankie could even yelp in excitement or fear they vanished and appeared on platform 9 3/4.

It was bustling with people, owls, cats, toads, and luggage. This did not help any of Frankie's anxiety. Her own toad, Raspberry, croaked from her shoulder. She looked up to make sure her father was still there, he was, still showing his own excitement. He looked down and pressed his cheek against her forehead. "See what did I tell ya? Piece of cake," he smiled. Frankie smiled back, genuinely.

Before she knew it, she was sniffling into her father's shoulder and clinging tightly to his coat. "You're going to have so much fun, I'll write you every chance I get my little pumpkin eater," he pulled away to wipe a tear from her red cheek. "And always remember, Frankie, be brave," he kissed her forehead. "Christmas will be here before you know it and we'll spend it together." Frankie wiped away her own tears this time and looked over her shoulder at the train.

"I love you, dad," Frankie smiled weakly.

"And I love you," he smiled back, giving her one last hug before she walked slowly onto the infamous Hogwarts Express.

The train had already left the station and Frankie still had not found a cabin to sit in. They were either full or filled with kids much older than her. She was beginning to panic. It was positively horrible. If she doesn't find someone to talk to on the train she'll know no one when she arrives at school. At the very least she wanted an empty cabin to collect her speeding thoughts. Finally, she came across a mostly empty cabin, with the exception of two red-headed boys, twins, she noticed, snickering at a spellbook. They looked her age.

"Hello," Frankie said, as calmly as she could. "Do you mind?" Frankie asked politely.

"Go ahead," one of the twins said smiling sweetly at her. She mumbled thanks before tossing her luggage aside and plopping down in the soft seat.

"I'm Francesca Marsh. But I really do prefer Frankie," she sighed.

"I'm George," one said.

"Fred. Fred Weasley," the other said. The first one, "George" was trying to hold back a small smile.

Frankie squinted at them. "You're lying," she retorted and leaned back into the cushions.

"What?" They looked surprised. "But I'm-"

"How did you know?" The other one asked, clearly George, not Fred.

"Well, I'm assuming, Fred, was smiling. Plus I would do the same if I had a twin," Frankie laughed.

George elbowed Fred earning a groan. "We gotta work on that Fred. We couldn't possibly only trick Mum for the rest of our lives," he smiled.

"You're right George," Fred smiled. "So, first year at Hogwarts?"

"How could you tell?" Frankie teased.

"Us too. What house do you wanna get?" George asked eagerly.

"Dunno. My dad was a Hufflepuff, but I don't know what I'll get. Maybe Hufflepuff. What about you two?"

"Gryffindor," they said in unison.

"Everyone in our family is and was a Gryffindor," George explained.

"How many Weasleys are there?" Frankie asked curiously.

"We've got three older brothers here. There's Bill, he's a seventh year," Fred began to explain.

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