☾ spring of 1994 ☾

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Professor Flitwick's words were going in one ear and out the other. Frankie rested her chin on her hand, trying to stay awake. She could hear Fred and Lee whispering behind her. Alicia was vigorously taking notes beside her. She peaked at her writing, maybe she should be listening they were learning a cleaning charm, something she desperately needed to learn. Frankie peered past Alicia to see Flitwick not paying any attention towards her, so she sunk into her chair a bit more and placed her head on Alicia's shoulder. This wasn't the first time, Alicia didn't mind. She was drifting into light sleep when something hit her in the head. 

Rolling her eyes, Frankie began to turn around, fully expecting a snickering Fred and Lee. She was confused when she saw them looking towards someone, with furrowed brows. She followed their line of sight and she landed on Sam Henely who was smiling right at her. He was an idiot, he was a sixth year in a fifth-year charms class. He was handsome, like really good-looking. But a ditz. He was a Hufflepuff quidditch beater. Frankie furrowed her own brows. He has never talked to her in her entire time at Hogwarts. Except for maybe some answers to their charms exams this year. Fred's eyes were bouncing back and forth between them, just as confused as Frankie. Henley had taken no initiative besides the throwing of the paper. 

"What?" Frankie mouthed. He smiled more and began scribbling on a piece of paper. Frankie turned her head back to make sure Flitwick wasn't looking, as soon as she turned back around another piece of paper hit her in the face. Mostly annoyed, Frankie unfolded the paper. 

"Oi, only I can throw things at Frankie ya git," Fred leaned over their classmate that separated him and Sam. Sam wasn't paying attention. 

U look cute when your asleep. 

It was creepy and he spelled "you're" wrong. Frankie tossed the note behind her shoulder, a loud quick laugh left Fred's mouth which earned him a "Mr. Weasley!" from Flitwick. She'll give Sam some credit, a note like that made her take great notes for the rest of the class. 

"George you are never going to believe what happened in charms!" Fred cried as they all met outside the class. 

"Oh yeah? And what was that?" He smiled as Fred threw his arm around his brother's shoulder. Lee still at his side. 

"Well, you know that Hufflepuff, Sam Henley?" 

"Sure, he's a bit thick isn't he?" George asked, only encouraging Fred. 

"Bingo! He was tossing notes at our dear Frankie here, calling her cute all class," Fred exclaimed. 

"Frankie!" George exclaimed happily, she rolled her eyes. "Wait, you're not suggesting Sam Henley as Frankie's potential boyfriend. I mean I know we've had no success all school year, but Sam Henley isn't even on the list" 

"Christ no," Fred said just as Frankie asked, "You have a list?" to George who ignored the question. 

"Besides she showed him no interest, quite funny actually. He couldn't take a hint," Fred sighed. Almost on queue Sam Henley walked up behind Frankie. 

"Hiya Frankie," he smiled widely. Frankie couldn't deny his smile was nice. 

"Hi Sam," Frankie smiled back, ignoring the boy's smiles and series of "ooo"'s. He began to walk beside her, hands stuffed into his pockets. 

"You wouldn't want to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend, would you? On a date," he asked, she admired his bravery in front of the Weasley twins. She looked over at them and back at Sam. 

"Sam, I would love to." She smiled. "You can take me on Saturday, now I have to go to my next class. Goodbye," she said nonchalantly, mostly for his sake before the expected cries and yells from Fred and George, probably even Lee came. 

M A R S H. // Bill Weasley ♡Where stories live. Discover now