☾ summer of 1993 ☾

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Frankie shifted into the hot sand, it was a leisure day for her and the Weasleys. They were relaxing by Magic Lake. The Weasleys had been surprised to learn there actually wasn't anything magical about it besides its beauty. They had already explored countless tombs. Frankie tried to stay mad at Bill, but she couldn't deny how cool the tombs were. Her grudge still held though. Her eyes were closed, and she smelled of sunblock. She took a deep breath, her skin thanked her for the sun. She could hear the twins, Charlie, and Ginny splashing and laughing in the lake. Percy had gone into town, hoping to find somewhere to send his letter to Penelope Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were lounging away from the children. And Ron, in Ron fashion was dreading the sun and sat near Frankie under an umbrella, holding Scabbers tightly to his chest. Frankie had tried to convince him to lay with her, but he wasn't having it. She had brought a small hand red radio, there were no muggle stations nearby, it just played some Egyptian wizarding news quietly, with the occasional song. 

Frankie thought she was getting a rare moment of peace and quiet when she suddenly felt a presence standing over her, blocking the heat. "Hiya Frankie," came to the oh too familiar sound of Bill's deep voice. She squinted one eye open to look upon the man that she could never help but be infatuated by. 

"Hi Bill," she said quietly, closing her eyes back again. Bill had been in the water, a few droplets slid off his skin and sizzled upon her bare stomach and collarbone. 

"Won't you join me in the water?" He asked gently, she could feel his figure lean down, trying to get to her level. 

"I'm soaking in the sun William," she replied. He hissed. 

"Really? We're still using my full name, are we? You hurt me, Francesca," he smiled when she opened her eyes at the sound of her name. "Truly, you break my heart oh dear Francesca Marsh," he laughed this time at the face she made. "Oh c'mon then, where's your Gryffindor sense of adventure?" 

"It hasn't gone anywhere, I'm just not ready to get the water, I happen to enjoy the warmth," she retorted, she had propped herself onto her elbows. 

"Right of course," Bill bit his tongue and looked as if he was going to leave her alone. But suddenly his hands delved into the sand below her and lifted her body. One arm wrapped around her back and the other between her legs, it was an awkward hold, but it got the job done considering her kicking. She was hoisted slightly over his shoulder but mostly pressed against his chest. 

"Bill!" She shrieked. There was laughter behind her cries. "William Arthur Weasley you put me down this instant!" His siblings had started cheering him on as he ran towards the water. 

"Never!" He exclaimed through his own laughter. She gasped at the first touches of the piercing clear water. He tossed her into the water, almost effortlessly. Her scream was soon muffled through the water. 

"Bill!" She exclaimed as she resurfaced, finding her stance and pushing her hair back. 

"Frankie!" He yelled back at her, out of pure excitement. She slapped her palm into the water, splashing Bill in the face. He instantly splashed her back. 

"You've got some nerve Weasley," she smiled. 

"Oooooo," he laughed as she got closer to him. Before he knew it she was attempting to dunk him under the water. The problem was he was a little too tall for her to succeed in drowning him. He tried to hold in some of his laughter, she was basically climbing up him, no triumph in sight. "Well at least you're not mad at me anymore," he said as he grabbed her waist, setting her down in the water. 

"You don't get off the hook that easily Bill," Frankie replied. 

"Thank god, I thought you were gonna still be calling me William. Ya' know only mum calls me that and I absolutely dread it," said Bill. 

M A R S H. // Bill Weasley ♡Where stories live. Discover now