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I walk into the doors of the diner that we agreed upon. I was thankful that we weren't the only ones there. When I started walking towards the table my heart was caught in my thoat. There he was, looking one thousand times better than i remembered him. As he caught notice of me i was rewarded with a smile. Im telling you i can never get enough of him. Theres an open seat next to him, i wonder if he kept it open for me. As i get closer to the table he stands up and embraces me with a hug. It wasn't as awkward as i thought it would be. It was more natural. He takes a step back increasing space between us. The warmth is fading. He takes a look at my face as if assessing it. His smile turns into a frown as he looks down at what I'm wearing. I must have a puzzled expression cause he's smile quickly returns.

"What? What is it?" I persist
"No-nothing I was just ah sorry."

My cheeks started to get red, and I can tell he noticed cause he turned away smiling. He's so adorable. He notions for me to take the empty seat next to him and I'm in ecstatic. He's truly a gentlemen when he pushes in the chair behind me. His friends in front of us give him a weird look, and I try to stifle a smile. The guy across from me is Tony I guess, I've heard his name been tossed around during their discussion. They're talking about the party last night, and who they danced with.

"So John, who did you dance with last night?" Tony asked with bright eyes.
"Oh ah I already told you I don't dance." He replies with annoyance. My heart sinks.
"Yeah, well you tell everyone that until you find a pretty girl to dance with." Tony looks in my direction. I just keep my head down cause I know my smile is going to give me away. The excitement returns.
"What are you saying?" He starts to smile as he's saying the words.

I can't help but stare at him. I like how his dimples show even if he's grimacing. His teeth are pure white and completely straight, he definitely had braces. I think he notices and quickly drops his head, his cheeks are instantly pink. I can't help but smile and look down too. I wonder if he gets a lot of girls staring at him. Jealousy starts to form and I have to quickly erase the thought. I catch Tony looking in my direction and he winks at me. Please tell me that I was imagining that. Our food arrives and I'm starving. I don't care if anyone is looking at me i just start scarfing down my food. The pancakes are absolutely delicious, along with the eggs and bacon. I should have ordered coffee too because I'm exhausted. I start to remember me and Johns text messages.

*have you ever read Wuthering Heights?-J*
* it really good?-A*
*"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same".... Most famous quote of the's very good, you should read it.-J"
*well have you read Looking for Alaska?-A*
*Nope, never got the pleasure to.-J*
*" when we stopped wishing things wouldn't fall apart, we'd stop suffering when they do" ...that book has so many good quotes, I'm surprised you don't know sure do know TFIOS.-A*
*i honestly don't, I just looked up something that might make you smile.-J*

I snapped out of my trance and looked up to notice that everyone was looking at me. My stomach feels like it flipped.
"Umm ah I'm sorry...yes?" I'm so confused.
"I just asked you what your number is." Tony looks as puzzled as I do when he asks me the question. I reach into my back pocket and look over to look at John's demeanor. He's clenching his jaw and looks tense. I want to ask him whats wrong but I have a pretty good idea on what it is.
"Umm why don't you just give me your number Tony?" John seems to relax a little beside me. Tony seems a little flushed when I basically refused to give him my number In front of everyone. Once he gives me his number I can't help but notice that John is staring at me. I don't want to look at him but something forces me to.

"Hey." He started to smile
"Looks like I got what I wanted when it came to seeing you again huh?" His eyes seem to brighten as I smile back at him and chuckle. He better not get used to getting his way all the time.
"Well I guess you did...just this once." He starts beaming. I can't help but smile back. His smile is contagious.
As we paid for our food and exited the building an Tony started walking towards me.

"Hey Ariah." He has a nice smile. John never seemed to leave my side, he's just lingering hoping to eavesdrop on our conversation.
"Ah what are you doing today?"
"I-." Before I could get the sentence out John interrupts me.
"She has friends over and has to entertain them, besides Ariah you have stuff to do don't you? I remember you telling me that over the phone last night." I don't remember ever telling him that but I know why he's saying it.
"Well I was going to invite Ariah...and...her friends over to see if they wanted to go to the can come too John if you want to." I can feel the heat coming off both of them. John just keeps glaring at Tony, if looks could kill.

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