Part 3: The card I was dealt

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                   Year 1881, Arcane Manor
      That night my thoughts kept me awake. I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom. I had begun to feel uneasy about being engaged to Jacob. Then again, he was only twelve. He had many years to grow his character yet. Still... there is something not quite right with him.
      Aside from that issue, there was one more thing bothering me. I was raised a noble; to always be decent. Alice however, has lead a completely different life from mine.
      Before, I felt bad for her. Her life style was clean, clean, clean. I held concern in my heart until I realized maybe she lead a better life than my own. What is it like to live a common man's life?
      Eventually , my eyelids became to heavy to keep open. I let my thoughts come and go until I drifted into a deep sleep.
      That morning Alice picked out a dark purple dress with purple bows. Even though I didn't wear it often, it was my favorite dress I owned. The black laces matched my hair and the dark purple matched my eyes.
      I greeted my father and mother at the breakfast table before taking my seat. 
      "How did it go with Jacob dear?" My mother asked.
      " I'm afraid I don't find him agreeable Mother."
      "Why not?" Her eyebrows furrowed.
      "Don't be silly," My father interjected. "This isn't a time to only think for yourself. The company rest on this arrangement."
      That's all this was after all. An arrangement to help my fathers company.
      "I'm sorry father."
      "All is forgiven."
      I nodded.
      Later that day my tutor had quit.  Alice took her place until we could find another.
      "You... have such nice sound." Alice said wincing as I played the violin.
      "Really? My old tutor didn't think so."
      " Oh, how unfortunate."
      "Why did she quit?"
      Alice stopped to think for a moment. "She was unable to take the pressure."
      "This job is pressuring?"
      "I'm afraid so My Lady."
      Alice shook her head. "Back to work now. Measure 27." I took her order and returned to playing at measure 27. When the evening came around Alice helped me practice my embroidery.  Shortly after it was time to retire.
      "Good night My Lady." Alice bowed before closing the door.
      I walked over to my divider. I never found out what that metal piece was behind it.  I peeled back the wallpaper slowly following along with the crack in the wall.
      It was a hinge! I peeled it back faster this time, as though I was impatient to open a present.  It was a small narrow door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.
      I leaned back resting my chin in my hand. Think. How can I open this. I looked around my room. I had a small curling iron that was thin and narrow like the crack. I could use that as a lever. I slid it into the crack and pressed down until the door popped open. Yes!
      Inside was a long narrow tunnel. I grabbed my robe and my candle that was still lit.  I walked down the tunnel that twisted and turned. It seem to go on forever until it stopped just outside the gated garden.  I've never been out on my own.
      I started walking towards the direction of the town. Wait. I stopped. What am I even planning to do? I'm not even dressed.
      I ran back through the tunnel towards my bedroom. Just when I got to the opening I spotted a small cubby. I opened the cubby to find a small ring box.  Inside was a beautiful, small, blue diamond ring. It had small white Crystals entwined around it.
       "Beautiful..." I whispered. I put the ring on my finger. It was a little too loose. I went back into my room and tied a handkerchief around it before putting it in my small satchel. That way I wouldn't loose it. 
      I wanted to grab a dress to go out, but with the dresses I owned people would be confused why I was roaming around the town. What I needed was a dress of a common maiden.
      I left my room and walked down to the kitchen. In the staff storage room there were a few dresses. The only one that remotely fit was still too big. I tied a piece of lace around it to try and pull it in.
      After that I grabbed my satchel and ran back through the newfound tunnel and towards the town.  I was curious to experience the world without consequence.
I wondered throughout the quiet town studying the tall buildings around me. As I walked I began to hear a quiet toon playing.
London bridge is falling down.
It was the toon of London bridge.
Falling down.
Someone is playing music at this time of night? I wondered.
My fair lady.
I decided to follow the sound. It got louder as I got closer. I turned around a corner, a guard was patrolling.
"Young lady! What are you doing out at night. Go home."
" Sorry sir."
I turned back and walked home.
How strange. I thought as I walked back through the tunnel. I never found out where that music was coming from. I put the maiden dress, along with my satchel into the cubby where I found the ring.
I put my night gown back on and climbed into my bed. I planned to go out again tomorrow night.
I curled up under the covers. My muscles relaxed slowly until a deep sleep took me.
In the dead of night I heard the door open.
"Whose there?" I asked into the dark.
A lit candle came into view, along with Alice. She wore a worried look on her face.
"Lady Katharine! This is urgent! Put on your robe and follow me."
I shot up and did as I was told. "What's happening? What's wrong?"
She put her finger on her lips and motioned me towards the tunnel.
"You knew about this?" I asked.
"Stay here until I come get you. We're under attack."
" By who?"
"There's no time I have to go."
" No. Stay here and hide with me."
" I can't." She closed the door to the tunnel.
I heard my bedroom door lock and footsteps leave. I curled up into a ball and stayed on the floor.
Screaming, and shouting erupted from downstairs. My parents! Alice! All of the staff. I sat still, unable to move. I could only listen in horror. There was nothing I could do. If I made my presents known, I could be killed.
Someone began to fiddle with the locked door. The door was pushed open. I gripped my hand over my mouth carful not to make a sound. I heard things being thrown around. Every thing in me told me to run. Run! Run! Run! But my body wouldn't listen.
I heard the door slam shut. I closed my eyes. Tears flowed down my cheeks now. They were looking for something. What was so important? Could it have been that ring?
It grew quiet. My muscles had tensed up so much, that moving caused physical pain. I gradually lifted myself onto my feet. I opened the door slowly. My room was destroyed. I crept out into the dark.
I have to see if everyone is alright. I must see if they are alive.

To be continued...

Author: Chloe LaRain
Editor: Elizabeth Joy

Chilling adventures with Katharine ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now