chapter eleven

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"Should I apply to be a contestant on The Bachelor?"

I had just closed the door to the apartment when I heard Millie ask about our favorite reality show and I made my way towards the kitchen. It was now six o'clock in the evening and I just finished a tutoring session with Houston that had lasted a couple hours. It was actually a pretty productive day; he helped me prepare for an upcoming test that had been worrying me to bits.

My friends were seated around the island of our kitchen whilst staring at their phone screens. Upon seeing me enter the room, my blonde friend turned her screen towards me and I could make out an advertisement she was showing me.

Are you or someone you know looking for a chance to find love? Sign up for casting below. . .

"What do you think, Brin? Could you see me winning the first impression rose?" Millie asked me, her eyebrows knitting together in all seriousness as she awaited my answer.

          I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "You're actually considering this?"

          "Of course she is. If anyone is cut out for reality television, it's Millie." Cora chirped in before taking a sip of her Starbucks drink. I immediately felt a pang of slight jealousy as my body began to crave the Refresher she was drinking.

           Millie took her phone away from my face and placed it down onto the counter. "I'm going to take that as a compliment!"

"Who even is supposed to be the Bachelor?" I questioned, not remembering who they announced.

A loud gasp fell from Millie's mouth and she didn't hesitate to shoot me a frown. "Matt James, you idiot!"

"The name doesn't ring a bell."

"Tsk tsk, Sabrina. You've obviously been slacking on your Bachelor franchise knowledge. I just might have to kick you out of our fan club!" My blonde friend exclaimed to which Cora and I gave each other an odd look.

"I would hardly call the three of us screaming at the TV every Monday night a fan club." Cora told her, getting up to throw away her now empty cup.

           Millie squinted her eyes at us. "Chris Harrison would be so disappointed in the both of you."

           The fridge was calling my name, and so after I childishly stuck out my tongue at my friend, I made my way over there. It had been a long while since I last ate something and as if my stomach could sense the opening of the refrigerator door, it growled on command. Luckily my roommates and I had just gone to the grocery store the other day. I grabbed one of the pre-made salads sitting on the top shelf, along with a bottled water.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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