chapter four

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"Stay still!"

I shot my best friend a dirty look as she stepped closer to my face and studied it as if it was a puzzle she was trying to solve. Cora's dark eyes narrowed and yanked the tweezers outwards. A sharp pain filled the spot where she just ripped out a hair.

"Ow!" I belted out, immediately bringing my hand to the sore spot. Jutting out my bottom lip, I felt my eyes water in response.

Cora had been plucking — well actually trying to pluck my eyebrows for the past forty minutes, and it wasn't going the way she anticipated. She insisted it needed to be done upon looking at them this morning whilst we were getting ready.

"They look like caterpillars, Brin." She had said after spitting out her toothpaste. I tried to convince her they were completely fine, but of course she didn't give up and came running at me with the tweezers.

The sound of me screaming as she chased me throughout the apartment woke Millie up. She came strutting out of her room with an irritated look as her sleeping mask rested on her forehead. She was definitely feeling the effects of her hangover from the party, and wasn't happy that we disturbed her. Her blonde hair was a complete mess with bedhead, causing us to stop and laugh at the nest on top of her head.

She had muttered some Australian phrase that we didn't understand before walking back inside her room.

It had been quite the eventful morning.

The time now read 9:35 am, and it was almost time for me to leave for my first day of one of my classes. It was my English class, my favorite place to be. I loved learning about writing and reading literature that made my heart swell with positivity.

"Oh don't be so dramatic." Cora deadpanned, cleaning off the tweezers before examining my face. I watched as her lips pursed together in concentration. "Alright, I think you're pretty even."

Turning towards the handheld mirror sitting on top of my desk, I brought it closer to myself so I could get a good look. They had a sharp edge and looked fluffy despite the angular curve my best friend took the time to perfect. I nodded in approval, instantly loving how they fit so well with the structure of my features.

I flashed her a wide smile before sitting the mirror down. "Thanks so much, you are very talented."

          Cora shrugged her shoulders. "My mother was a cosmetologist. I learned everything I know from her." She paused, looking at the tweezers with a somber expression before glancing up at the ceiling. "God rest her soul."

          My grin faded into a flat line as those words came out of her mouth. I always knew her parents were a touchy subject — they had died in a hit and run several years ago. Cora never really mentioned her past, but she opened up to us when we all became really close friends. I admired her willpower and ability to be vulnerable; something I have yet to learn. She had told us how the police didn't conduct an investigation against the driver whom killed her parents, which is one of the many reasons why she wanted to become a Lawyer. To give those without a voice the chance for justice, is what she always said.

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