chapter two

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         "Why the hell is Houston Bradshaw our next door neighbor?"

         The heads of my roommates, whom were also best friends, instantly snapped up as soon as I slammed the door to our apartment shut. They were lounging on the sofa still dressed in what looked like outfits they wore to the pre-season football tailgate the school had earlier. I didn't attend obviously, due to the fact I had just gotten home from my journey.
Millie, whom was a five-foot-ten goddess, jumped up from her seated position and giddily skipped over to me. Her tanned and perfectly toned body was wearing a white Duke t-shirt that was knotted in the middle. It showed off her stomach and her shiny belly-button ring, along with her blue tennis style skirt that showcased her long legs. Her blonde hair was pulled back into two Dutch braids and her makeup was done flawlessly in our college colors. It was no question as to why she was an aspiring model and current fashion blogger; Millie was beautiful.

Meanwhile, my other roommate, Cora rolled her golden brown eyes at our friend's excited antics. She too, was decked out in Duke colors. Except she settled for a pair of ripped mom jeans and a blue tank top. I always envied how gorgeous her chocolate skin was and how amazing she always looked. Cora's big curls framed her face and no ounce of makeup was seen across her features. Hell, if I looked as a good as her I wouldn't bother putting it on either.

         "Well hello to you too." Cora greeted me as she walked over to pull me into a hug. The familiar scent of her sweet vanilla body wash instantly warmed my heart up. I squeezed her back just as tight as she was to me, showing her just how much I missed her.

"Sabrina!" Millie's alluring Australian accent filled my ears as she joined our embrace. Her long, slender arms wrapped around our shoulders and she nestled her head in between the space of my shoulder and neck. "I've missed you so much, babe!"

          I leaned back from our hug. "Hi guys. How was the tailgate and game?"

          "It was so much fun! We wished you could've been there." Millie gushed as she undid the braids in her hair. Her blonde hair was now falling at her shoulders in luscious waves. "There are some really cute new freshman boys!"

        "Oh, don't be a cougar, Mills." Cora teased, playfully shoving her shoulder.

          I laughed. "I thought you had your eyes on Carson?"

         Millie had always talked about how much she liked Carson. He's been her crush ever since we attended our first class together freshman year and he just so happened to be in it with us. I'd grown accustomed to watching her drool over him and develop her crush throughout the years.

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