chapter five

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          The first thing I noticed about her was the way she smelled like strawberries.

          It was intoxicating; the way the hint of that summer fruit lingered in the air every time she made a movement. It tickled my nostrils as I caught its scent when she flipped her hair to look over her shoulder. My heart pounded in my chest and for once in my life, I was left speechless from a girl.

          I slightly inwardly cursed at myself because here I was getting a damn rush of nervousness from a mere stranger.

          When I first saw her in the hallway the other day, I was enthralled by her beauty and the way she looked at me with her big, doe-like eyes. I couldn't tell what color they were from that afar, but now that I was a couple feet away from her, I could see them clear as day. They were a mixture of honey and green; the gold swirled together with the grassy hues to create a captivating hazel that pierced through my soul.

          She had these freckles too, fuck, her freckles were the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. They splashed across the bridge of her nose and danced to the tops of her cheekbones like paint splattered on a blank canvas. Her hair, which was thick with waves, cascaded down to the middle of her back. It's black color complimented her naturally tanned skin as if she had just come from a day at the beach.

Her name, which had been running through my mind since our short conversation at the party last night, suited her perfectly because the way it effortlessly rolled off the tongue; beautiful and easy-going. She was wearing an oversized Duke sweatshirt that fell to her thighs and was rolled at the sleeves. It swallowed her tiny frame up whole, which was saying something because I knew she was at least 5'8 in height. I could also see the frayed bottoms of her cut-off denim shorts.

Her eyes were now trained on me with wide eyelids and a surprised expression across her features. I had interrupted her from what looked like a boring video lecture, but I couldn't help myself. I noticed her sitting there on my way out of the library. She looked too cute with a mouth full of fruit and a wrinkle between her furrowed eyebrows.

Sabrina held one of her AirPods in her hand with a plastic fork in the other. She was in the middle of chewing what appeared to be a kiwi when she turned around to see it was me who tapped her shoulder. I flashed her a smile before removing my bag from my shoulders and setting in against the table.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." I told her as I picked up her book bag that was placed on the chair. I placed it on my lap and set my chin on top of it as I sat down.

She gave me a look of suspicion that caused her nose to scrunch up. I smiled because of how adorable she looked and because I had just touched her stuff without permission. Sabrina eyed her bag in my arms and I could tell she was the type of person whom didn't like invasion of space. I wasn't going to move though, I wanted to talk to her.

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