Chapter 7

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2nd Person P.O.V

It was infuriating, to say the least.

To know that someone you could trust to have your back, no matter the situation, had slipped up the one piece of vital information that wasn't supposed to be shared. 

Even though there were some complaints with the customers, all you could do was say that there had been an extreme emergency, and even offered to cut their prices down by 75%. It was a lot, but it was enough. Hell, you even went as far to fake some tears when they asked what was happening, just so they could leave. As soon as every door was closed and locked, and the lights up above were on, your gaze shifted immediately to the 27 year-old blonde. 

Before you could stalk towards him, fully intent on giving him the beating of his life, Bakugou had his arm in front of you, halting your movements.

"Oi dumbass. Mind explaining what the hell is going on here?" he asked gruffly, eyes narrowed and flicking back and forth between you and Keigo. "And who the hell is this guy?" A huff of exasperation let lose, and all remnants of anger had dimisnished.

"I need to talk to you guys. It's serious," and before Kaminari could open his mouth to make some dumb joke, you held up a hand, signalling for him to stop. "I'm not joking, Denki. I wanted to wait to tell you all, but obviously," a pointed glare at Keigo. "That's not an option. Let's go upstairs."

Quietly, they shuffled behind as you led them up the winding staircase, and into your room. Mina floppped down on the bed, Denki sat on an office chair, while Sero stood behind him. Keigo stayed in the doorway, while Bakugou decided to lean against the wall. You took your spot standing in front of the window, looking over the city. The room was dead silent, and after taking a breath to calm yourself down, you began to speak.

"What I'm about to tell you all stays in this room. Not a word to anyone, no matter how much you trust them. Clear?" You turned around, looking into everyone's eyes, one by one. A resounding "Yes" echoed out, and you took it as your cue to start speaking.

"Before I met all of you, I did my fair share of racing. My dad owned a mechanic shop, and I grew up falling in love with all kinds of cars. My first race was when I was about....14? Maybe. I stole my dad's car, and I won that night. That feeling of adrenaline was...addicting, to say the least. 

As I got older, I began to make a name for myself. It started off as a nickname by some rando, but I grew to fall in love with it. Before I knew it, my name was Hera; the Queen of the streets."

"Uhh, that doesn't sound too bad though right? I mean, Hera's a cool nickname, especially for someone like you y/n!" Mina cheered, but was met with silence from you. "Right?"

You shook your head. "There's more. After I turned 15, I met this guy. Attractive, problematic, and just about every girls dream when it came to bad boys. His name was Touya, but he goes by a different name now. He was 18, I was 15. Sounds bad, I know. In other words, the red flags were right in front of my face and yet all I saw was him, nothing else. But, time went on, my Dad passed away, and my Mom died when I still a baby. He let me stay with him," you paused for a second, trying to remain composed as old memories were brought up.

"It got toxic, and fast. He cheated, he lied, and then he let something slip, that to this day, I wish I'd never been told. Turns out, he was part of the mafia. Cool right? Nah. I'd already been close with the boss, and for awhile, it was ok. Life was fine. I got myself a new little family, I was still Hera, and I was still racing. But, long story short, Touya and I broke up, and it hurt like hell. The boss helped me out, hid me away while I took my time getting over him.

He even bought this building for me after I said I was done with mafia. We haven't talked in years, but I see his henchmen every now and then, doing his dirty work. After some time, I met you guys, and I've gotten to where I am now with the 4 of you."

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