Chapter 4

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Quick A/N: Trigger warning to those sensitive to blood, survivors of abuse, and those uncomfortable with sexual themes. These topics will be mentioned, viewer discretion is advised. If you do not want to read this, please skip over the parts written in italics. Please read at your own risk.

3rd Person P.O.V 

"You can call me Mr. Compress. My boss' name is Shigaraki Tomura."


Memories flooded in. The sounds of tires screeching, drunken laughing, and smoke filled air. 

'How ironic' she thought, 'that I was thinking about this only minutes ago' She nearly scoffed at how the world worked and was so cruel to make the very thing she didn't want in front of her, appear in front of her. 

Face hardening in anger, she clenched her fists and approached him, where she proceeded to shove his hand away and into his chest. "Tell Tomura that I'm not helping him. He knows damn well I want nothing to do with him." Sneering, she looked down at the wad of cash as well, "And tell him I don't want, nor need his fucking money. Now scram 'Mr. Compress'"

He attempted to refute, maybe try and convince her, but one finger held up to silence him and he knew better than to try and fight. So without a word, she watches as the car speeds off into the dead of night, and ignoring Bakugou, she closes the garage doors, deciding that her friends can stay the night even if it means Kirishima and Kaminari eating all of her good food.

When Bakugou tries to talk to her, y/n only waves him off in dismissal as she makes her way upstairs and into her room. In the living room, Sero, who hadn't come down all night and wasn't in the mood to go to the race, was eating some popcorn as he watched his favorite telenovela on the t.v. She waves at him tiredly.

As soon as she's in her room, she locks the door shut and makes her way to her bed, where she gets down on the ground and pulls out a shoe-box. Breathing shallowly, she opens the box and nearly closes it back up again as the faces of her, now old, family stares back. 

Himiko, what she'd give to have her bestie back. What she'd give to go out clubbing and get drunk together, then wake up on completely different sides of the city laying next to some random guy, then joke about it like it was the funniest thing in the world. What she'd give to go and get a manicure with her and go shopping. What she'd do to have her 'little sister' by her side again. Jin, who preferred the name Twice, had his issues, but she'd miss him forever. She loved him as a brother, and it hurt tremendously when she found out he died in an "accident". 

It was anything but that. 

Tomura. Her best friend who'd been through thick and thin. Sure she loved him, but a part of her wished they'd never even met. They'd seen each other during high school but they'd never really started talking until much later. Nevertheless, he was good to her. Helped her when her parents left, helped her fall in love, then watched her fall out of love, and picked up the pieces. 

And of course, Dabi. He was a drug, and damn right was he intoxicating. But then it became an addiction. Cigarette smoke, sex, tattoos and crimes. What a perfect combo...yeah right. Three years of dating, she was 15 and he was 18. She fell head over heels with the man who covered his scars with ink, and he fell in love with the girl who smoked religiously at such a young age and didn't give a damn what others thought or said. In the end, he was so wrong, and yet so, so right, and she needed to get out. 

She noticed the first sign when he stumbled into their shared apartment reeking of ash and blood. When she washed him down, the water turned scarlet. They'd fought that night, and he let it slip about his line of work. The next day, she was initiated into the mafia, and it only got worse. 

The second sign was when he came home drunk and smelling of another woman's perfume. When they fought that night, he'd raised his hand to her for the first time, and didn't stop until she passed out. 

When she came to, she was in bed, and Dabi was gone. It was a week until he came home, and when he did, the city of Tokyo was in a frenzy as the biggest bank was robbed and then blown up. The wounds on her skin had begun to heal, but if only she knew what would come next. He didn't even ask. He just started kissing her, and even as she asked to stop, that she wasn't in the mood, he still kept going. She wished she could cover that scar with ink as well.

As she stopped spacing out, y/n realized she was sobbing. Hot angry tears rolled down her face as she wiped them away, shoving the box of painful memories away. She stalked her way to her bathroom where she splashed her face with cold water, and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Stupid aren't supposed to think of him, or what he did. He's bad, y/n. Besides, your happy, you have your own shop, and a brand new family, one who won't hurt you."

She hangs her head in frustration, glancing at her bed. She really should burn that box, but could she really part with those memories? 'Maybe...maybe later' she thinks as she flops down on her mattress, looking up her ceiling. It wasn't long before she fell asleep, but her dreams weren't very pleasant. They never were.


??? P.O.V

"I'm disappointed, Mr. Compress. Even using the little shits name didn't make her think about it?" Rasped out a deep voice as rough as grated stone. Rings and chains sparkled slightly in the little amount of light shed on the man. 

"No sir. She refused immediately, and then proceeded to kick me out of her shop." Reported Compress, dressed in his normal clothing, which was anything but. It was rather bright and loud, and gave off an aura of both dangerous and mysterious.

"Hey, leave it be. She left for a reason bacon bits. After the shit you pulled, it's no wonder she'd never want anything to do with us again." Another voice, this time a tone higher, that sounded like a knife being dragged on the ground. 

"Shut it Hand Job. She's coming back." The deep voice from earlier replied, an edge to his voice as an inked hand snaked its way to a gun holster. 

"She is NOT coming back-" 

"Aww, but come on Shiggy-channn. I want by bestie back! Pleaseee?" The words were drawn out as a feminine voice cut in. 

Sighing, he ran his hand over the dry skin of his face. "She's not coming back dammit! AM. I. CLEAR?" Danger was imminent if the bosses orders weren't obeyed. Red eyes gleaming in the darkness, they were hard as rubies as he communicated his wishes. Gold eyes that danced with craziness saddened slightly, and the girl nodded anyways. His gaze turned the other.

The one with tattoos littered across his body and cerulean eyes as cold as ice stared back. "Crystal." 

Nodding, they all left the room. What a liar Dabi was. 

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