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Hello, my dear readers, I hope this message finds you all in good health.

Although it pains me to say this, this story will be on hiatus (even if it technically already has been) for an uncertain amount of time. Though I would love to update and follow through on all the wonderful things I had planned for this fic, I'm afraid it just won't be possible.

After re-reading through this story, I realized that it's well....a mess, to put it simply. It will be undergoing some major editing so that I can satisfy both myself and all of you, for you guys deserve the best from me. I wish I was able to find the strength to tell you guys this sooner, but due to both family and mental issues, I found it incredibly hard to do so.

In short, Start Your Engines will be going on an undefined period of hiatus. I'll be editing, revising, and possibly re-writing the plot that I had originally come up with.

Thank you guys so so sooo much for your support, and without further-ado, peace out lovelies.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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