Chapter 2

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3rd Person P.O.V

Upon arriving at the mechanic shop that y/n owned which also had her studio upstairs, everyone parked their cars, with Mina hopping off the motorcycle immediately. The team immediately began congratulating the blonde while y/n had made her way to the car. 

"Goddamnit Bakugou! How many times do I have to tell you to stop dropping the fucking clutch?!" She jabbed her finger in his face, to which he just mumbled a half-assed "sorry", pushed her finger away, shrugged, then walked away to the fridge, where he proceeded to grab a beer out of the fridge. 

Left fuming, mouth agape in anger, she stormed off and grabbed her toolbox. As she opened up the hood, a blast of hot air hit her square in the face, making sweat appear on her face. With a huff, she begun her work. In the background, she heard the TV turn on, it still on the channel where they watched the professionals race. "Yo Bakubro, did you know Midoriya would be on here?" Kirishima yelled. 

Scarlet eyes shot to the screen, where indeed, his old high school classmate was shown on screen, talking to the cameras about how he was a little nervous, seeing as this was his first time racing in front of so many people. Intrigued, y/n put down her tools and grabbed a beer from the fridge, making her way to where Bakugou was standing. Scarlet eyes were narrowed, blonde eyebrows were furrowed, tan skin ripped in muscles tensed as he crossed his arms, and teeth were grit in annoyance. 

As the green haired man on the screen continued talking, Bakugou only seemed to get more and more annoyed. He was going on about how lucky he was with his sponsor, nicknamed All Might, because his car was always in top shape, his name a legend upon even street-racers like them, and how he and his team got along so well.

"Fucking Deku. Oi, shittyhair, this is a re-run right?"
"Yeah, aired yesterday."
"Tch. Turn it off. The shitheads voice is annoying."

Obeying his request, Kirishima changed the channel to a random one and left it like that. Kaminari was laughing at his behavior, and Mina plopped herself down on the couch, phone in hand, giggles escaping her mouth no matter how she tried to keep them in. Of course, Bakugou yelled at them to shut up, but they just laughed even harder. "Awww, be quiet you guys. Can't you tell that the poor Pomeranian is embarrassed?" she teased, poking his arms. As he glared at her, she just shrugged, took a sip of her beer while maintaining eye-contact, and strut her way back to his car. 

Following, he groaned as he looked over her shoulder. "Don't you dare ask what's wrong with it, blondie. It's the same as always. Get me the lift," she shooed her hand away, gesturing it somewhat in the direction where it was located. "AND GRAB SOME TIRES TOO  WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!" 

When he came back, he made sure to lift the car slightly as she worked carefully to take off the balded tires and take it out while he came back with two new ones, carrying them effortlessly as he made his way towards her. Turning around, she just about had a small heart attack when she saw it. It didn't matter how many times he's carried tires, she'd never get used to seeing how strong he was. 

Nor would she get tired of it either. Apparently, she'd been less discreet than she thought when he smirked at set down the tires on either side of her, a husky voice whispering in her ear. "Like what you see Teddy Bear?" 

Shivers shot down her spine, and she could feel her cheeks grow hot, but refused to look into some sort of reflection to see if she was blushing. "Piss off you sweat soaked piece of shit. Grab the other tires and take a shower. You smell like ass," she shot back. Never in a million years would she openly admit to the others that her friend was attractive as hell. She remembered when Kaminari had told the both of them that if they tried taking a swan dive off of the cliff of their pride, then they'd never reach the bottom.

He wasn't exactly lying either. 

It was shortly after that she finished replacing the tires while Bakugou replaced the NOS, and pretty much doing the small stuff, while she did everything else. She was underneath trying to get a good look at the engine she felt a foot gently nudge her leg. Annoyed, she rolled out and gave a glare to whoever disturbed her, but softened when she saw Mina standing above her. "Hey Pinkie, what's up?" she stood up with a hand from her friend, taking a sip from her can but nearly spitting it out at how warm it'd become in such a short amount of time. "Ugh," she gagged. 

"Do you mind helping me out my car? I know you're busy with Baku's, and I'd ask the others to help but..." she trailed off, jabbing her thumb towards the other 2 boys, who were currently stumbling around drunk out of their minds. "Plus Bakugou went to take a shower. Heard him mumbling something along the lines of 'I don't smell like ass do I?' so yeah. Please?" 

Y/n tilted her head back as silent laughs shook her shoulders as she imagined Bakugou hunched over and smelling himself as he took offense to her insult. "Yeah, I can get it done by tonight. I don't want to work on Bakugou's shit anymore. He can do the rest for all I care," she scoffed, making her way to her friends car.

A 2000 Honda S2000, made to be exactly like Suki's from Fast and Furious. It suited her too. All y/n had to do was bang out a couple dents, replace the oil, and approve of a safety inspection and her energetic friend would be on her way, vehicle looking good as new. 

The sound of a door opening reached her ears, but she decided to ignore it until she felt the frantic patting of her friend on her arm. "Y/n look look look-" she whispered hurriedly, and when she peered around the side of the hood her heart just about stopped working completely and her mind turned blank. There stood a shirtless Bakugou, mumbling incoherent swear words as he walked around with nothing but a towel hanging dangerously low around his hips. 

"Where the hell are my fucking clothes?!" he yelled at the two boys, expecting an answer and getting nothing but dumb smiles from the two boys as they ran away from him together. Kaminari, stumbling to a stop and steadying himself on the redheads shoulder, yelled "Ask, hic, Y/N!! Maybe she, hic, has them!" And then they were gone, upstairs to probably make a mess of her kitchen. 'I should really stop leaving the door unlocked. Those idiots always eat my food'

Bakugou turned around to look at her with a glare and began approaching her slowly as he pinned her between himself and Mina's car. Poor Mina could only watch confused from the sidelines with a scarlet face as she tried to process what was going on. "Y/N L/N, tell me right fucking now. Where are my damn clothes?"

'Oh sweet mother above please have mercy'  

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