Chapter 8

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2nd Person P.O.V

Keigo ended up staying. After many tears, bear hugs had been given to you by each of your friends, save for Bakugou, who only gave an awkward hug with one arm, before once again slapping you upside the head rather harsh.

Keigo had pulled you away for a moment, checking to see if you were alright. All that crying and emotional stuff wasn't exactly easy for him, but he tried. 

"You alright kid? I'm no one to judge, but I'm sure that had to have been hard on ya," he asked.

You nodded, biting your lip as you did. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It's a lot to actually have come out with everything, but Keigo," you gripped his shoulders. "It's feels so nice. To have them. THIS," your head gestured around, breathless as you smiled up at him.

His heart clenched painfully as he looked down at your smiling form. Tears of happiness had welled up in your eyes, the smile on your face being one he hadn't seen in years. A small part of him wished he could be the one to make you feel such a way, all on his own, before he shut down that thought.

Soon, the afternoon had disappeared, the sun beginning to set, and everyone was on the roof of the building. On the roof, you'd built a small gazebo, fit with a large table and chairs for about 10 people. There was also a small fire pit a couple feet away that you lit, and soon everyone had arranged a chair of their choosing around it.

It was as if the conversation had never happened, the 5 of you laughing and drinking. Keigo was currently nursing a bottle of vodka, sipping straight from the bottle occasionally and inputting in the conversation every now and then. Night came soon, the stars above twinkling brightly. Mina sat next to a small table, ingredients for a margarita splayed on it. You almost regretted not telling her to slow down.

"So y/n! How'd ya meet the hunk, hic, over here huh?" She pointed lazily over at Keigo, who was shaking his head back and forth, trying not to laugh at her wording. He sat to your left, his posture relaxed, legs spread a little and his bottle of vodka resting on his knee nearest to you.

" that I think about it, it's a pretty funny story," you explained, reaching over to snatch the bottle that was inches away from Keigo's lips and taking a sip of it yourself. His offended gasp didn't escape your hearing as you kicked his foot. "He challenged me to race in Tokyo, having heard I was in the area. I won, of course-"

He abruptly took the bottle back, startling you slightly with his speed. "Excuse me, I let you win!" He squawked. 

"HA! Bullshit, Keigo. I crossed the line first and you threw a hissy fit. Back then, I would always wear a mask, and this fucker ripped it off! Threw it on the ground, stomped on it, then looked back at me, and I swear he saw stars y'all."

"For your information, I did NOT see stars. Exactly how many people do you see driving that good at 16? None!" 

You didn't believe him for a second, but you let it slide this time. You tilted your head back, taking a drink from your favorite brand of spiked seltzer, letting out a small sigh as the sweet yet tangy taste danced on your tongue. "Whatever dude. Still don't forgive you for stompin' on my mask. It was my favorite one too..."

He groaned loudly, but shut up nonetheless.

Bakugou P.O.V

I don't like this guy. At all. 

He was cocky, arrogant, and the stupid smirk on his face never left.

And the way he looked at y/n...I hated it. He looked at her like, I can't explain it. Like she put stars in his eyes. Whenever he looked at her, she never seemed to notice the weird dreamy smile that snaked it's way onto his face.

During that tense conversation earlier today, his eyes never once left her. He whispered something to her after I asked that one question, and some part of me felt angry. How could he be so close to her that he knew about everything she was telling us? How much more did he know?

He was laid back, completely comfortable around y/n. 

And so was she. 

With the way they talked to each other and even fought, you'd be able to tell a mile away that the two were close friends. Maybe even more. He definitely had a thing for her, and either she was too dense to notice it, or she knew and decided to just ignore it. It was a 50/50 battle between the two.

My glare went unnoticed by Kirishima, who nudged my bicep with his own bottle of beer. The coldness of it on my skin was enough to snap me out of my thoughts, my usual sneer coming back. "Whaddya want shitty hair?" I snapped. He was unfazed as he leaned a little closer, whispering.

"You've been glaring at y/n's friend for over 5 minutes dude. What's up?"
"Nothing, dumbass. Why?"
"I dunno man. You just been glaring at him like he's the bane of your existence or something"

I grunted, tipping my head back and closing my eyes as I savored the bitter taste of alcohol. I ended up finishing the bottle, chugging the rest of it quickly.

Next to me, shitty hair gasped slightly. "Awww shit, Bakubro. Don't tell me," he held up his pointer finger waving it in my face before I smacked it away. "You're jealous aren't you!"

"Shut it shithead!"
"I knew it! Denki! Dude! You owe me 10 bucks!"
"You shitheads bet money on me?!"

The two idiots laughed at my expense, Pikachu digging out his wallet and handing over a $10 bill. Their laughing drew the attention of the other 3, who looked at us curiously. "What's goin' on over there?" y/n asked, a single eyebrow raised.

"Nothing!" When all three of us answered at the same time, her eyes grew as big as quarters as she quickly looked over at pinkie, who had the same expression.

"Oh God, how much did you all have to drink?" Her serious expression only lasted a couple seconds before it broke, and everyone laughed along with her. It died down soon after, smiles still present.

She sighed softly, her eyes trained on the fire that sent warmth throughout all of our bodies. "I love you guys, ya know?" Mina, who was closer to her, shifted her chair closer so that she could rest her head on her shoulder, her hand reaching over to grasp y/n's. 

"Yeah...yeah we know," she whispered. 

I couldn't help but agree.

A/N: Definitely more of a filler chapter, my sincerest apologies for not updating yesterday! Speaking of which, I've decided that updates will be coming regularly every Friday! We did get a small glimpse of Keigo and his feelings tho so😏 plus a lil bit Bakugou being jealous, and that's ALWAYS, a nice sight to see😌

Hope you all enjoyed my lovelies<3

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