Letting go for Julia

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William knew there was a new female pathologist working at the morgue. He was surprised that a woman would want to work in such a macabre profession. He'd been looking forward to having a reason to visit and meet Dr. Ogden. His chance finally arrived when he'd been called out to a crime scene. Two people had been stabbed to death and a fourteen year old boy was hanging in a tree in the yard. He'd been at the scene for some time but Dr. Ogden had not yet arrived and he could not stay much longer as he'd been called to another crime scene. He was disappointed he had to leave before seeing her but knew he would have another opportunity when he visited the morgue for the post mortem results.

Sometime later William entered the morgue. He was anxious to meet the new Doctor as he had always been drawn to intelligent women; he knew that to become a doctor she had to have a great intellect. He walked past the bodies from his latest murder case and cast a quick glance in their direction. They all appeared to be completely intact. Had she not started the post mortems yet? William found the Doctor sitting at the desk in what served as the morgue office. She stood as he approached. She was tall and graceful and - beautiful. Not what he had expected at all! He had imagined an older, studious woman. "Dr. Ogden?" he enquired as he offered his hand, "Det. Murdoch." As the Doctor shook his hand a shiver ran through him. He was taken aback by his reaction to her touch. He had never had this sensation before, not even with Liza. "Have you examined the bodies Doctor?" William got down to business to distract himself. The boy had murdered his parents then hung himself; nothing to investigate, so he wanted to close the file and concentrate on the other case he'd been called to that afternoon. He had hoped to have the post mortems completed today however it seemed Dr. Ogden had other ideas, and was about to leave after only doing a preliminary examination. She was quite insistent on resuming her Sunday activities. He had even told her how much he would appreciate it if she would finish them today, but she would have none of it. In fact she was quite dismissive and set about wheeling the bodies into the cold storage room. William turned to leave but his feet would not carry him to the door; in fact they were taking him toward Dr. Ogden. Not knowing what else to do he gave her assistance. Once the cold storage room door was firmly shut he found he had no excuse to stay so he said good day and left. On his walk back to the Station House he found he couldn't stop thinking of Dr. Ogden, so beautiful, so elegant, so ... indomitable....

The following afternoon William was examining a piece of evidence under the microscope when he felt he was being watched. He looked up to find Dr. Ogden standing in the doorway. His heart skipped a beat. Once again he had had an involuntary reaction to the Doctor. He stood and walked around the table "Dr. Ogden, please, come in." he gestured for her to enter. She handed him her report and summarized the details. William quickly glanced at the report. He thanked her then found himself apologizing for presuming that she would finish the post mortems on a Sunday. Now why did he do that? It was quite a reasonable request. The previous pathologist would have finished them, but then ... he was an older bachelor with nowhere better to be on a Sunday afternoon. Perhaps Dr. Ogden had a suitor that she was anxious to see. William was overcome with resentment. He was shocked at his reaction. He didn't know the Doctor and he was engaged to Liza. She said there was no need to apologize then turned to leave, he must say something.... "Once again, thank you ... and ... I hope we will see each other again soon Doctor." The Doctor stammered something as she turned, then she was gone. William sat down and staring at the empty space where she had just stood, he sighed. He looked down, this woman was having quite the effect on him. He had never had these stirrings before, not even with Liza. He was totally captivated. He hung his head, how could he feel this way toward another woman? But he did. Despite never looking at another woman, in that way anyway, since he first started courting Liza he now found himself totally unable to control his ardour and he had only just met Dr. Ogden.

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