Revive of the Demonic Monster

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(episode starts with a large eye open entrapped in a crystal as it was going to revive)

-in the city at night-

(three aliens with the leader being Dada is running as Yuga, Kaki and Satoru along with Reguran are chasing them)

Dada: Let's get a move on!

Yuga: Just what did they steal?!

Satoru: They stole the stone of baradhi.

Kaki: Just why are they after this stone?

Reguran: Hey, isn't that thing supposed to be secured?! There's no point to keep chasing it!

Yuga: It's not about insurance, it's about reputation! Come on!

Nana: They're heading in the parking lot, they're trying to escape.

Kaki: We're on it, we're reaching there!

Najenda: I never thought that we're in for this job.

Kotaro: We have no choice.

Shamer: But, I don't know if they can succeed, but, will they be okay?

Najenda: Let's just believe in them. Wakamiya.

Eve: I'm on it.

-at the parking lot-

Dada: Hurry!

Alien: it won't open!

Dada: What?!

(then they came and corner them)

Satoru: We're from AIGES! Surrender, or we'll take you by force!

Dada: Not on my watch!

(then they shoot and they take cover)

Eve: You must get the stone back, be careful.

Kaki: How are we going to be careful.

Yuga: Got it, leave it to me!

(then he open the suitcase where it has a protective steel shield and Yuga ram in and block the shots and hide)

Taiga: Yuga, behind you!

(then Yuga knock the alien down)

Titas: Counter with the double biceps!

(then he knock the two of them down)

Fuma: Further more, with a full roundhouse kick!

(then he kick them down)

Dada: That's good, they lost me.

(as Dada is escaping, he was encountered by Kaki)

Dada: Da!

(then he kick the stone and punch him and grab the stone)

Kaki: Mission cleared.

Dada: Give that back!

(then he shout at him but Reguran protected him)

Kaki: Reguran!

Reguran: I'm okay.

(then Satoru shoot him)

Kaki: You!

(then then shoot him and Yuga came)

Dada: In that case, I'll crush you!

(then he summons the Legionoid Dada Custom and teleported in it)

Yuga: I'll handle this one!

Kaki: Alright!

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