A Man Who Waits for the Spaceship

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(episode starts with a man with a telescope looks at the sky)

(and then the spaceship came and he's delightful to see it)

Man: It's here!

(then the spaceship lands and the alien which is a Gapiya Seijin name Adel)

Adel: Man, this planet is more remote that I thought.

Man: Hey!

(then the man hug Adel)

Man: I've been waiting!

Adel: Hey, who are you?! Let go! Let go of me!

Man: I won't, let's go back! Back to the world of stars!

Adel: What're you even... I can't breathe!

-at the Sky Base-

Eve: (yawns) I'm going to sleep, goodnight!

Yuga: Good work.

Nana: Yuga-kun, you're not going to sleep?

Yuga: No, I need to file these reports, recently, we have lots of aliens and kaijus. But, the Tri-Squad will come.

Mira: Oh, Taiga and the other two Ultramen, I wonder who are they?

Yuga: You mean Titas and Fuma?

Mira: That's right, Titas and Fuma. Hey, how did you know?

Yuga: Well, it's...


Man: It's true! I've been waiting for someone to pick me up this whole time.

Adel: Well, it's not like I can't bring you along or anything.

(and at the same time, Juvia came across Adel with a man)

Man: Really?

Adel: That's of course, however...

(then he got up and equip the gun gauntlet)

Adel: I get to decide your destination...

Juvia: Stop!

(then Juvia use her AIGES Shot to shoot at Adel)

Juvia: HQ, this is Juvia, I've found an alien!

-at the Sky Base-

(the alarm rang and the rest of the members came in)

Najenda: What's the situation?

Nana: Juvia just called, she found an alien.

Kaki: She's pursuits it now?

Eve: I was about to get my sleep!

Kotaro: Well, that will have to wait!

Najenda: Hasegawa, take the Raptor. The rest will be on standby.

Yuga: Roger!

-with Juvia-

Juvia: Just get out of here!

Adel: Wait!

(then Juvia shoot near his foot)

Adel: Ouch! Where are you aiming?!

(then he shoot at them but they ducked)

Juvia: Let's get out of here!

Adel: Hey! Wait up!

(then Adel went after them)

Narrator: On this Earth, only a few people knows the existence of the aliens.

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