Buddy Steady Go!

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(episode starts with a digest of what happened in the previous episode)

Taiga: A legendary kaiju know across the universe.

Kyoka: Woola...

Taiga: I heard it clings to planets and swallows them whole.

Titas: Scientist from Planet Eomapp invented this device and equipped it to androids dispersed throughout the universe.

Yuga: Kyoka was one of the androids?

Titas: One that can end the kaiju's life. It would link itself to Woola's core. Under the circumstance, they would then cut off their own life support.

Yuga: Kyoka, I'll save you!

(then Taiga did his rise)


(then he lands and face Woola)

Yuga: I'll save Kyoka! I promise!

Buddy Steady Go!
Ultraman Taiga
Space Devouring Monster, Woola appears

-at the streets-

(many human protested the Garmes Man)

Civilian 1: It's your fault that the kaiju is here.

Civilian 2: Get out of our earth!

(then the Garmes Man resisted and ran away)

Civilian 1: Get him!

(then as they went after him, Taiga handle Woola)

Kurosawa: What will you do?

(then Taiga grab Woola and tried to stop it)

(then Woola starts attacking Taiga)

(then it bites Taiga's arm and absorb all his energy)

(then his color time starts blinking)

Kurosawa: You see...

(then Kurosawa starts walking away)

Taiga: Strium Blaster!

(then Taiga use the strium blaster to let Woola take it)

(but then Taiga got down and disappeared into particles and revert back to Yuga as he saw Woola retreats)

Yuga: Kyoka!

(then someone came to him)

Yuga: You guys...

(then multiple building began to fall)

Reporter: The kaiju is currently under Sagara City and is moving northeast. It predicted to head to Kumamoto.

-at the Sky Base-

Mao: You can't be serious.

Minato: There's lots of people here?

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