Chapter Two - The New Visitor

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One month later, I was on the roof of the headquarter building, waiting for my new "partner" to come. When the helicopter finally landed. I, myself, was a little nervous and excited at the same time. When the door opened a handsome guy came out. My mouth dropped, but I quickly closed it. I wanted to be cool. But that was not the Jake I had seen in high school. He was hot! He chuckled, "Like what your seeing?" I giggled a little and said, "Welcome to the agency." He smiled, "Thanks."  This wasn't going as bad as I thought.

   We stood on the roof talking and catching up on the news. Back in school he was sorta my friend and that's when I started liking him and had to leave the day after I did. He talked first, "So, how's life in the agency?" "Great," I replied. staring at the ground. "Why are you so sad??? I'm here." "I'm not sad," I replied a little more gloomier than I'd hoped for. I was disappointed. I wanted to be alone in my missions and Jake doesn't look like he'll succeed in a mission. I mean, yeah, he's fun to hang out with but he will not take things seriously, I know that for sure. He must have said something before because he started tickling me and I couldn't help but laugh. That was the first time I laughed in ages. Then he took my feet and slung me over his shoulders like a rag doll and ran around the big H. "Put me down," I yelled while laughing. "Not until you admit you were sad," he yelled back, also laughing. "Alright, alright, I was sad, happy?" I admitted. He put me down and started walking to the door with Jake following me behind, "Let's go it's getting late," I said with a small smile on my face. "Okay," was all Jake said. When we got inside I led him in my room. When we were walking Jake was looking around like a boy in a candy store. "First time in an agency?" I asked jokingly "hardy har har," he replied with some humor in his voice. when we got to my room, I sat on the edge of my bed and glanced at my window and then to Jake. He just stood at the doorway and stared at me, and when I looked at him, my eyes. It kinda started to become awkward because we had nothing to say. Finally I looked away and laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling he joined next to me and the silence continued. Finally, I turned my head to him and asked him, "How'd you get here?" He kept staring at the ceiling but replied, "skill, agility, and strength, I guess. You?" "I was born for it," I sounded like what someone would say if they were ready for something but I didn't care. "Wow," he replied, not sarcastic at all. I was about to ask him something but I closed my mouth thinking  it was stupid. "What?" he asked. "Oh nothing, it's stupid," I replied shaking my head. "Come on, you could tell me," he eagerly told me. "Well....... I was wondering how you got so... different," I said with a blank look on my face. He chuckled, "What? Do you not like the new me?" "No, it's fine, but how?" I said a bit too quickly. He chuckled again, "Well, I started exercising and training and I guess I came out different" he now had a blank look on his face but quickly went away. He looked at me finally catching my eyes and he asked me, "What about you? What happened with the pimples and glasses?" I frowned, "Well, I think I look the same now just without the glasses and pimples." he shook his head, "Noooooo, you look way more beautiful." My cheeks turned bright red at his statement. His eyes widened. I don't think he meant to say that, but I tried to save him so I said, "You're not too bad yourself." he smiled, "I know." "Wowww, very mature," I replied sarcasticly. With that, I closed my eyes and thought. I couldn't think of specific things, everything just whirled around my mind. This and that, that and this, but there was one topic I was thinking about the most, do I like Jake? Should I? I kinda do, but I don't think he does. Sure he said I was beautiful, but I don't think he meant it. I'll just wait and see what happens.

I'm so bored. I have no words. I'm...... speechless :'( Why don't I just say random words that pop in my head? Okay, here we go......








Well that's it...

Unicorns and Bubbles,


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